Can I use a Core Expansion as a flasher??


Veteran Member
May 24, 2010
Oxford, MS
We aren’t looking to go full core systems due to pricing and other agencies not getting on board BUT I want DVI patterns. Can I use an expansion module as a flasher to get the DVI patterns? If not, what is my cheapest alternative to get them? I usually use a Smartlogic flasher but of course they don’t have DVI.
We aren’t looking to go full core systems due to pricing and other agencies not getting on board BUT I want DVI patterns. Can I use an expansion module as a flasher to get the DVI patterns? If not, what is my cheapest alternative to get them? I usually use a Smartlogic flasher but of course they don’t have DVI.
You need something to control the expansion module. Im not sure on the pricing, but Core-R and an expansion module is probably your best bet. Core-R is just a controller that you can add We-Canx devices to. It has No outputs, (except WeCanX) and doesn’t require a control head. You could hook up an expansion module to Core-R, and get your DVI.
On the old Sapphires, you could do a work-around, and program an expansion module as an inner edge and flash individual lightheads. I wonder if this is possible to do with a WCX control point and expansion module?

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