Beacon Ray 17-D current draw

Mark T

New Member
Oct 29, 2021
Madison TN
Does anyone know what is the amperage draw is for the Federal Beacon Ray model17-D? I have one and would like to find a power supply that would run it from a 120 volt ac source.
Two 30 watt bulbs. I believe they are 4416.

60 watts worth of bulbs draws 5 amps at 12 volts. Add one amp for the motor and you have your running current requirement, 6 amps. Keep in mind, you'll need a power supply suitable for the much instantaneous current requirements when the bulbs and motor are first turning on.
Amps = Watts Divided by Volts

30 watt bulb divided by 12 volts = 2.5 amps

Motors are generally 2 amps

2-30 watt bulbs (5 amps) plus one motor (2 amps) gives a total draw of 7 amps. Give extra for startup and I would go with hat least a 10-15 amp supply for a single light.

computer power supplies will do the job from one of it's 12v wires and give you about 30 amps or more depending on what you have.
I started out with a 150 watt/12.5 amp power supply and it didn’t have enough juice to get it started. The motor was trying to turn the light assembly, but just moved it about five degrees at a time and the lights did not appear to come on at all. I tried it with a car battery and it operated just fine. That’s why I was asking for advice.
I knew that the bulbs required 60 watts but I had no idea what the motor required.
I believe you are right about the higher starting amperage for the motor. I found a 250 watt/20.8 amp power supply that I will try. I will let you know if that works.
My dc ammeter pegged at 10 amps. I have ordered a dc ammeter with a higher range. I will check it when it’s working off the car battery.
Using a battery is ideal, but most folks here will warn you about hydrogen gas. You can maintain your battery using a much smaller power supply or dedicated battery charger.
My wife's family has a funeral home that they started in 1929. Back in the 50s and 60s they ran an ambulance service for the county. This Beacon Ray 17-D was used on one of their ambulances. It was headed for the landfill in the late 90s and I salvaged it. I am going to mount it on a 12" diameter wood base with the 120 volt power supply underneath. I plan to give it to the current president of the funeral home for a desk display. He can plug it into an outlet and operate it with a switch. That's why I was wanting to convert it to 120 volt.

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