2009 Dodge Charger Patrol Unit 1 of 6 units built


May 20, 2010
Saint Martin Parish LA
This is one Charger Patrol unit of six I built for the same agency whose Chief drinks the "W" kool-aid, so of course it has to have a Liberty on the roof and a couple of TIR3s on the rear. This agency used to run Vics and Impalas, but has since decided to stick with Chargers from now on. Enjoy!

FedSig AS124 speaker / Tomar RECT25s / Go Rhino Push Bumper

Whelen Liberty / factory W/W

Havis console / computer mount

FedSig Touchmaster Delta

Setina Partition

Whelen TIR3 / Havis LP bracket / factory taillight flasher

Watchguard Video System




Slick build, as always cajun :cool:

Are my eyes tricking me, or is that a through-glass antenna? What are your thoughts on those vs. NMO mounts?

TangoDown said:
Slick build, as always cajun :cool:

Are my eyes tricking me, or is that a through-glass antenna? What are your thoughts on those vs. NMO mounts?


Yes, glass mount because the Chief doesn't want antenna holes drilled or goofy NMO brackets sticking out of the trunk lip. I personally prefer NMO mounts in the roof or trunk for the best performance, but will accommodate the customer with the glass mount if they choose. Thanks for the positive compliment!
Interesting! I thought that through-glass antennas effectively ruined any groundplane you needed for a good transmission. They do look a little sleeker, but if you're drilling holes for the lightbar cables, whats wrong with an extra hole for the antenna? lol

At least the prisoners will be getting a healthy dose of RF :) Hopefully it will sterilize any chance they might have of reproduction...
Stendec said:
Those graphics are, uh, "calming."

LOL! You're right. The Chief of that department is as tight as they come on certain things, and his graphics package is one of them. He'll blow his wad on a $2000.00 light bar, but won't budge off a $200.00 graphics package. Other agencies around here are pumping $600-$900 into their graphics, but he ain't following their lead for sure!

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