Site News What Matters?


May 7, 2010
Northwest Ohio
We have previously highlighted the the changes in social media and how people buy and sell equipment currently. I have continued to look at how the site is used. Recently Twitter and Reddit both took interesting turns demonstrating that nothing is static in the world of online communications. The concept of thinning this site down to less categories while maintaining it as a data resource remains the goal. My vision looks like this;

  • Site News
  • Equipment Info / Discussions
    • Modern
    • Vintage
  • Sales / Wanted
    • For Sale / Trade
    • Wanted
    • Feedback
  • Links / Archives / Other
    • Catalogs, Tech Docs, Guides
    • Links
    • Off topic
Does anyone have a need or desire for additional categories? I want to preserve existing working links, but cut the main working forum down to the blueprint above. That is 3 main sections (site news excluded) and 2 or 3 sections per category. Our current site is nearly 5 times that. Everyone knows my feelings on facebook, but better ability to crosspost or reference those threads might be worth a look. I also want to make an actual established archive of literature instead of the fractured multiple posts. I view this site as an interactive information resource, not the social media platform it was in the beginning.

Again thanks for all the help and support both current and up to this point. This site is for the users, so as it continues to change the users should be at the center of the decisions.
May 21, 2010
Seeing how this site has been around over 25 years now, changes are inevitable.

I don't know what it takes to change things Down the road but the list you made looks reasonable.

I have my bookmark set to the What's New tab. Finding that balance between too few and too many categories is the question. Although I don't have experience with web traffic, I do not feel the number of categories is going to make or break things.

Thank you for putting in the time and energy to keep the info online.


May 21, 2010
Harrisburg, PA

I’ve found this site invaluable over the years and am grateful to you and the other moderators for your continued work.

Just my 0.02.

From a personal use standpoint, if I need to reference anything, I always use the search function or a search engine, so categories don’t mean much from my standpoint.

I too usually default to the what’s new when checking in, as it’s the fastest way to keep up with people posting things and quickly address questions.

I don’t have Facebook and will not again, so for sale n trade is valuable.

I as well liked seeing what others have done from an install standpoint although those posted seem to be fewer and further between… I don’t see a category for those in the new architecture.

As long as the wealth of knowledge is retained, (we have some REALLY valuable information residing here) cut it however is easiest to navigate and is end user friendly (hopefully that also means admin friendly) and be done with it.

Thank you for keeping us in the loop and soliciting perspective!



Supporting Donor
May 15, 2013
Central Illinois
Adding my .02 cents.

I've seen several iterations of the site over my 10+ years as an active participant here. While there are things I prefer, I always work around things if they change.

Now, as for being a supportive member I would hope that paying for a membership affords the same "extras" as it has in the past. Otherwise it kinda loses the perk factor.

Either way I will still remain an active member and would like to thank all of the Admin for keeping this up and running.


Sep 30, 2015
Prairies Canada
You know why this site is dying and the FB groups are thriving? Because this site is unusable on a mobile phone that doesn't have an ad blocker running. I literally cannot scroll or click without seeing a dozen ads. Who wants to put up with that?

The FB groups are also simply laid out and have MUCH more activity with a far larger user base. Users have more control over their individual ads and the people they interact with. It's flexible. This site is not.

-someone who's been around since the beginning
  • Haha
Reactions: tsquale


Lifetime VIP Donor
Oct 12, 2010
Minnesota, USA
You know why this site is dying and the FB groups are thriving? Because this site is unusable on a mobile phone that doesn't have an ad blocker running. I literally cannot scroll or click without seeing a dozen ads. Who wants to put up with that?

The FB groups are also simply laid out and have MUCH more activity with a far larger user base. Users have more control over their individual ads and the people they interact with. It's flexible. This site is not.

-someone who's been around since the beginning
You're welcome to make a nominal donation to keep this resource running which also gets rid of the ads...


Sep 30, 2015
Prairies Canada
You're welcome to make a nominal donation to keep this resource running which also gets rid of the ads...
Why would anyone waste their money here? Prolonging the inevitable. I've joined two FB groups (got the suggestion from this thread, thanks!) that gets more equipment posted for sale in one day than this site gets in a month.

I'm sorry, but that's just how things have evolved. Adapt or get left behind.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Oct 12, 2010
Minnesota, USA
Why would anyone waste their money here? Prolonging the inevitable. I've joined two FB groups (got the suggestion from this thread, thanks!) that gets more equipment posted for sale in one day than this site gets in a month.

I'm sorry, but that's just how things have evolved. Adapt or get left behind.
A forum serves a purpose vastly different than the plague of social media. If you don't see the value in the resources here, both people with knowledge and historical info, I'm not sure why you're here or even bothering to comment.


Sep 30, 2015
Prairies Canada
I'm not sure why you're here or even bothering to comment.
Funny, because the entire purpose of this thread was to solicit opinions from the membership. Just because you don't like the message doesn't mean it isn't valid, but very typical to pull the "if you don't like it leave" line. Par for the course these days whenever someone's offended.

And I AM leaving, in case that wasn't made obvious. Best of luck to you all.

Jacob K

Jul 27, 2019
Funny, because the entire purpose of this thread was to solicit opinions from the membership. Just because you don't like the message doesn't mean it isn't valid, but very typical to pull the "if you don't like it leave" line. Par for the course these days whenever someone's offended.

And I AM leaving, in case that wasn't made obvious. Best of luck to you all.
The point of this thread was to help John see what could be kept while he tries to keep the need for data resources lower to lower the cost of the website, not for you to make a shitty, brainless comment about how the site is dying, which it isn't. Read the other comments and then tell me if it's dying or not. Thank you for saving us, moron.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Oct 12, 2010
Minnesota, USA
Funny, because the entire purpose of this thread was to solicit opinions from the membership. Just because you don't like the message doesn't mean it isn't valid, but very typical to pull the "if you don't like it leave" line. Par for the course these days whenever someone's offended.

And I AM leaving, in case that wasn't made obvious. Best of luck to you all.
Your initial post IS invalid for several reasons. I don't have the ability to use crayons here, so I'll spell it out the best that I can.

You know why this site is dying and the FB groups are thriving? Because this site is unusable on a mobile phone that doesn't have an ad blocker running. I literally cannot scroll or click without seeing a dozen ads. Who wants to put up with that? False, the forum provides an option to upgrade your membership to remove the ads.

The FB groups are also simply laid out and have MUCH more activity with a far larger user base. Users have more control over their individual ads and the people they interact with. It's flexible. This site is not. The FB groups have ZERO layout to them, the sort feature is useless, their indexing and archiving style is even harder to search than our search feature that you loathe here, and 1/2 of the user base thinks STL is better than Whelen. The users there mostly lack the common sense to know the difference between a strobe and LED, spew misinformation every second, and are also riddled with scammers and bots. You can literally minimize entire sections of the forum here that you don't want to see. You can also hide (ignore) members here that you don't wish to interact with.

-someone who's been around since the beginning That's funny, because your account has only been registered since 2015

And while I never told you to leave, I'd never be so happy as to see the door hit you on the way out.

I eagerly await your next reply after your "leaving"
Jun 18, 2013
Look what I miss, when I don't venture out of the Vintage Section..

So I am gonna play Devils Advocate here, First off @GE is correct about the mobile experience, it is an utter mess without some sort of ad blocker. This is fatal with the younger crowd where Desktops are like dinosaurs now.

Also FB Groups.. they have there pros and cons. Both @GE and @tsquale have valid points. The fact is more eyeballs on FB, which means things sell quicker. On the flip side forums like elb allow you to search for things in a somewhat organized fashion (when the links still work). Try that on FB Groups.. anyone?

Elb is not perfect, and no I don't think its on its death bed either, the fact is that if people don't produce content this site will die. Driving users away with back and forth helps nobody and will eventually Kill the website.

Elb has still not shaken off the stigma of the events that occurred prior to my joining. This hurt the site more then I think @JohnMarcson realizes. I've told people to give it a 2nd chance some have, many have not.

IMO opinion both Elb and FB are good resources and should be leveraged accordingly.

Let me put on my flame proof cape now.. ;)


May 7, 2010
Northwest Ohio
I need the info, which is opinion based, so we won't agree inherently; that's fine. I'm looking for opinions and opinion are inherently going to create friction which is fine as long as it also creates information for me to use.

I can't stand Facebook (and social media in general), which is why we need opinions because mine isn't the majority. Funny though, Facebook (and the old people that still use it) are "cringe" now too if you ask my nieces. I probably missed that boat altogether and by the time I am comfortable it may not be as usable for sales, or maybe it will only be usable for sales vs. socially. I have no idea; again why I asked since I don't use it and don't have a clear picture of who does.

The people I train at work are young enough that I could have delivered them in the field, and not to a teen mom. They don't use Facebook except to talk to their parents. What the f#$k is tiktok? Chinese spy software? Their Facebook? Do they know? I work with someone that collects lights that doesn't use Facebook and has never used a web forum. I have no idea what he's doing on his phone. There were, years ago, members on here who refused to use email and did everything via landline phone and money orders. So as I inevitably become like them, I need some feedback to keep what is worth keeping. I also need the people giving feedback to keep in mind that the way they do things is probably outdated to some people as well.

I also don't use mobile as my primary method of access so that makes me another minority. I know that is a big problem just from the standpoint of how much people utilize their phones and what they use them for. Again why the question was asked, and it is clearly very important so I am glad to know that. It's obviously part of what we need to focus on. I'm typing this on a mobile device in desktop view. So even I'm using mobile as my access in a way I didn't think about. So I can relate to the fact that this site doesn't work well on a phone, and appreciate that information.

No one needs to get upset about the subject, we have scale back and I only want to keep what is important and useful. Also, I think I should point out that coming to a web forum to tell the people on it why you hate it is a tradition so I don't think we can really get upset if that's part of what this thread is. Over the years I think my favorite trope if you will for the site has been people who use the site to tell me to remove their accounts and then continue to use the site. But again, people become more of an asset than people that simply just leave because the ones that just leave never even give their opinion.

If mobile use and vintage discussions with an archive of info is important, than that needs to be our focus. If it is worth leaving a sales section I don't mind, it's really about what people want. I do think a searchable archive should stay because when I google a warning equipment question I usually find the answer on here from years ago.

Also sadly, @Stampeed Valkyrie I don't know which stigma you mean. The lawsuit that we won in summary judgement that hurt our budget and annoyed me into not touching things for years? The mods taking over and running it like Soviet Russia while I was in the hospital and my rebooting to regain control? The loose association with companies that went bad? Me doing nothing with it for five years when my work changed and Jman getting stuck with it with no help? The badly planned switch to 3rd party selling? None were great times, but this has been a hobby for me since 1998 and the internet had its share of drama in general since then, but moreover, the internet evolved and at times the site hasn't kept up or worse yet, fought it. I haven't kept up with which drama and mistakes were the worst either.

I honestly would simply make this an archive if it weren't for the fact that I often find the answer to a question that I search for about other subjects in message boards too. And the answers are recent and I'm thankful for them. But I honestly don't join them. I get the information I need about zener diodes and move on. I get the impression that message boards or forums are usually run by a small group of very dedicated people who answer the questions of others, knowing those people probably won't join and just need the answer.

Bottom line, I don't want this site to be what it was. I don't want to run a one-stop shop for everything emergency light related. I'm completely happy with it being a usable resource of information about a niche subject. I want it to best provide whichever one or two services it best provides. To me that's vintage discussions and answers to and archives of tech data. It's clear that mobile platform use is going to need to be addressed even to keep it in that capacity. So in that respect, I think I've gotten good feedback. Whatever gets left will certainly need a mobile makeover. The site is too big for what it provides, but I don't want to lose the archived data. Probably the easiest solution is to update the front end to be mobile friendly and funnel discussions into technical and vintage and leave the searchable archive on the back end for people looking for old information via search engines. As that process occurs, I do need feedback as to whether or not there are parts that shouldn't be sunsetted to new content.

So in the tradition of online message boards, I guess if everyone wants to argue about whether or not the place they're arguing on sucks, that's fine, it is after all an internet tradition. But in that argument I do actually need information as far as what should stay because after it gets archived and the front end of the site is only what people said was important, I don't want to have the argument about having gotten rid of the wrong stuff (which I know we will anyway).

I have heard loud and clear that mobile needs addressed. I know that as an informational resource the site still provides some value. I think my question now is really: Is it worth keeping a sales section? Maybe one big one with tags? Allow people to simply link auctions and posts other places as well? The part that I need the most guidance on is what features of selling are important. My opinion about selling on Facebook isn't really relevant because I look at it as a scam factory. On the other hand, I know that when I do sell things there, I can sell them for triple what people here are willing to pay possibly because they know better. So if we could kind of steer things towards what needs to remain as part of the site from a standpoint of sales or not. That would probably help...

Tldr; If you're going to argue, at least make it information that's useful. Which a lot of the most negative information actually is, so please don't discourage it. At this point I know mobile is important and the information archive portion needs to stay. If we're going to fight about something it needs to be whether sales need to stay.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Oct 12, 2010
Minnesota, USA
Ok... sales...

I think some iteration of a sales and wanted area are important. I also think that we could condense it to simply be stuff for sale and stuff wanted with tagging that is visible without having to click into the add and searching by tags, if that is possible. IE: If I can only run red in New Jersey, I could search for items tagged RED.

While I have appreciated having individual parts/warning/vintage etc sections, I think as the site has slowed those distinctions have become less important. There are simply less sales and wanted ads being posted and it would be nice to have one oblivion of sales ads to scroll in my boredom.

For good measure to John's statements.... "this place sucks, I hate it here, and I'll be back in a few minutes to continue using it" :)


May 7, 2010
Northwest Ohio
Ok... sales...

I think some iteration of a sales and wanted area are important. I also think that we could condense it to simply be stuff for sale and stuff wanted with tagging that is visible without having to click into the add and searching by tags, if that is possible. IE: If I can only run red in New Jersey, I could search for items tagged RED.

While I have appreciated having individual parts/warning/vintage etc sections, I think as the site has slowed those distinctions have become less important. There are simply less sales and wanted ads being posted and it would be nice to have one oblivion of sales ads
One sales section with the ability to tag things as what they are or where they are is probably the best overall solution. So if the site broke down into:

  • Site News, FAQ
  • Technical Info / Q&A
  • Vintage and collectible
  • Online marketplace
I would be happy to archive the rest. I agree within the marketplace there needs to be the ability to tag things as whether they are for sale or trade and where they are located. Then I say we just leave the marketplace open to actual items, links to items elsewhere, or really whatever format people want to use and not really moderate it other than removing scams.

Does anyone have anything that they think should be in additional front page option?

A little recon from someone (me) who not only was alive during 9/11 but was working at the time;

I'll just throw this out there.... I finally asked my coworker (DOB 2002, three or four years after this site was launched) how he finds his lights. He said his "dad's buddy who has facebook texts [him] people's info". I asked him why he doesn't contact them via facebook and he said "I have facebook to thank my grandma for birthday checks and stuff, not to get involved in this sh*&." So I am soooooooo far behind on Facebook I might be ahead. I have no idea. He said Instagram is ok but it isn't easy to find anything actually for sale. I also learned that contacting eBay users after buying or bidding on one item is still a thing, so that's interesting. He also thought message boards were from "like AOL or something before the internet" and that "isn't that just extra parts of Reddit?" Another interesting thing is local communications/hookups are still a thing. Word of mouth text is one thing he does. Someone sees that fire dept is getting rid of their stuff by auction and texts their buddies first. So while I'm sure I am missing a huge chunk of stuff by being "off Facebook", it is hardly the bleeding edge of "how the kids do it". I do know that mobile being important is an understatement. One of my recent new hires had "used a toughbook laptop before" but not a desktop PC. So focusing on mobile is huge. I think we can cut some ads and improve mobile if we cut overhead.

tldr; More of us are old and out of touch than we think. There are people younger than this site who are involved in the industry, and they aren't fans of this format OR facebook.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
May 20, 2010
S.W. New Hampshire, USA
I feel like the dinosaur you're refering to. Laptop, email, money orders, landline, No more eBay, no more Paypal, and no text, can't do much at all with my flip phone. I do FaceBook (many vintage lighting related pages and groups) with great fun and results, and seem to be savy enough to not get burned so far.
I like your 4 bullet points in the above post, especially the vintage section. Vintage like me....I miss the "old guys", and the great vintage discussions and mysteries that used to take place. I've been playing with these things for approximately 60+ years, and hope to continue for many more.
I have always appreciated this site, and am thankful for you John, Jman, and all who have kept it running.
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Jun 18, 2013
The mods taking over and running it like Soviet Russia while I was in the hospital and my rebooting to regain control? The loose association with companies that went bad?
Bingo. Before my time, but lots of the regular "old timers" I speak with still give me eye rolls when I mention this site.

I personally use this site as a means to learn about the interesting things I stumble across in the wild. I have met many people personally, and talk to many more others that all share my same interests that happen to deal with vintage lights.

Ultimately its 1 tool, in my toolbox that I use to get the word out, and help others that have the same interests.
  • Like
Reactions: Sparky_911
May 21, 2010
Not sure if this additional will help or not.

I think what you are aiming for will help. With a few of the board changes over the last decade has come with confusion for me. Where to, and if I can post something has lead me to post a little less. Several times I have wanted to show off a light (either because it's not a standard version or for some other unique factor) but not found a category to put it in. Not a requirement but it would be nice to be able to post lights for show. This would give some reference to models and variations. (Shout out to for the indepth info dedicated to some lights. I understand and appreciate why he started that site and the detailed info in those light postings. Not looking for that level of detail but being able to have a reference for lights/options would be nice}.

As for Facebook, I really only use marketplace and groups for the specific lights that I have. After Ebay quit paypal I essentially stopped using both. This is a hobby and not a business for me so no one place is critical.

Every lighting related site that I use has it's pro's and cons. I definitely appreciate the ongoing work the staff here has and does put in!


May 7, 2010
Northwest Ohio
I think the best course of action is:

  • Optimize for mobile
  • Retain but "backend" the searchable info in most sections (remove from main page view). People can start a new thread and link the old if they have more info, or they can request it be copied over to a current section.
  • Restructure to 4 categorieswith tags as needed
    • Site info / Announcements / Links
    • Current Equipment (tech, questions, answers, builds, discussion etc)
    • Vintage / Collectable (data, questions, answers, builds, discussion etc)
    • Sales / Wanted (Modern and vintage; listings, links, any format with tags for which is which)
That's three main goals; optimize for mobile, simplify, and retain searchable data. I think that's doable and the most efficient and useful.

Bingo. Before my time, but lots of the regular "old timers" I speak with still give me eye rolls when I mention this site.
For those who don't know, this was 15 years ago. The site ran fine for 10 years until I was at my most vulnerable and for some reason that seemed like the time for people I trusted to take over and do a lot of damage in a short time. The exodus really occurred before I rebooted it, but I suppose I should have used legal avenues to regain control instead of just resetting it. Hindsight is 2020 (and the year is 2023). It certainly made me reconsider who I let help and ultimately led to me being very untrusting to the point of refusing Jman's help a few times, help which proved to be invaluable.


Sep 10, 2010
United States
To simplify the very most important things I’ve seen discussed here:

-If you move/delete/hide mass amounts of info, it will break Google rank and revenue will plummet.

-Optimization for mobile is baked into our forum software. Most complaints are about the varying number and arrangement of ads on mobile devices.

Category reorganization can be done, but it has to be done correctly or it too will break Google rank and revenue.

And the most important thing to remember… ads allow us to keep the site running with going into our pockets. Revenue doesn’t personally benefit anyone who contributes to the operation of this site. It’s a balancing act to keep the site in a self-sustaining business model. We hate ads as much as you, I promise.


May 7, 2010
Northwest Ohio
To simplify the very most important things I’ve seen discussed here:

-If you move/delete/hide mass amounts of info, it will break Google rank and revenue will plummet.

-Optimization for mobile is baked into our forum software. Most complaints are about the varying number and arrangement of ads on mobile devices.

Category reorganization can be done, but it has to be done correctly or it too will break Google rank and revenue.

And the most important thing to remember… ads allow us to keep the site running with going into our pockets. Revenue doesn’t personally benefit anyone who contributes to the operation of this site. It’s a balancing act to keep the site in a self-sustaining business model. We hate ads as much as you, I promise.

It was my understanding we could, reorder, "hide", or "auto collapse the view" on the front page without breaking the searches. That leaves the search indexing unchanged (from my understanding, please correct me if I'm wrong) but what people see (unless they click on them to uncollapse the locked categories) is just the main categories. The others are there but locked to new posts, at the bottom, and "collapsed" . I know a few of the model car forums I visit did that. These forums exist as they always did, I get Google results to places where I can't reply but can read the posts. Their front page is only 3 to 5 categories at the top and the threads in the others are locked, at the bottom of the main page, and their parent categories collapsed or hidden. You can read them from the main page, but you have to "uncollapse" the view to see them. It is more of a default view change than an actual removal, if that makes sense. At the very least I would think reordering the the view would be helpful.

As far as mobile, I'm not sure the "non-ad" issues, but it doesn't display "well" on my phone even logged in with no ads, I can send an example. Maybe it's just my lack of familiarity with mobile and it is actually fine. Like I said I use desktop view on a mobile device, so I'm hardly the expert. It just seems hard to navigate, but that might be part of the fact that there's just too many sections.

As far as ads, I would like to know (PM or call me) the amount which ads offset cost and we can identify the worst offenders and I will make that amount up.

@Jman423, you have been saddled with costs for too long. After the hostile take over I declined @Jman423's help then after the lawsuit I dumped too much on him; neither of which is fair and that is probably my only real regret despite all the various cited issues and drama over the 25 year run of the site.

@Jman423 when you are settled and free get ahold of me and we can work out a plan to move forward that takes some of the burden off of you and make what changes you think are feasible. I'd like to really dig into how much we can to streamline things without breaking anything.

This was what I had seen elsewhere and was picturing
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Sep 10, 2010
United States
It was my understanding we could, reorder, "hide", or "auto collapse the view" on the front page without breaking the searches. That leaves the search indexing unchanged (from my understanding, please correct me if I'm wrong) but what people see (unless they click on them to uncollapse the locked categories) is just the main categories. The others are there but locked to new posts, at the bottom, and "collapsed" . I know a few of the model car forums I visit did that. These forums exist as they always did, I get Google results to places where I can't reply but can read the posts. Their front page is only 3 to 5 categories at the top and the threads in the others are locked, at the bottom of the main page, and their parent categories collapsed or hidden. You can read them from the main page, but you have to "uncollapse" the view to see them. It is more of a default view change than an actual removal, if that makes sense. At the very least I would think reordering the the view would be helpful.

As far as mobile, I'm not sure the "non-ad" issues, but it doesn't display "well" on my phone even logged in with no ads, I can send an example. Maybe it's just my lack of familiarity with mobile and it is actually fine. Like I said I use desktop view on a mobile device, so I'm hardly the expert. It just seems hard to navigate, but that might be part of the fact that there's just too many sections.

As far as ads, I would like to know (PM or call me) the amount which ads offset cost and we can identify the worst offenders and I will make that amount up.

@Jman423, you have been saddled with costs for too long. After the hostile take over I declined @Jman423's help then after the lawsuit I dumped too much on him; neither of which is fair and that is probably my only real regret despite all the various cited issues and drama over the 25 year run of the site.

@Jman423 when you are settled and free get ahold of me and we can work out a plan to move forward that takes some of the burden off of you and make what changes you think are feasible. I'd like to really dig into how much we can to streamline things without breaking anything.

This was what I had seen elsewhere and was picturing
View attachment 246300
I read your reply in full. Give me a chance to do a tiny bit of research and provide you with useful answers.


May 7, 2010
Northwest Ohio
I read your reply in full. Give me a chance to do a tiny bit of research and provide you with useful answers.
Thanks. Your dedication to the site and patience with me are appreciated greatly.


Jun 10, 2010
Northern Michigan
For whatever its worth, John and the others involved in this site have provided a valuable service for many years. This is THE definitive place to go for technical information, especially for vintage equipment. I hate the infighting that occurs here and elsewhere. Thats not what its about. We all enjoy the hobby/industry and should lift each other up, not the other way around. I just sent in another small check just to help out. THANK YOU for all your hard work!


Dec 6, 2012
I second what billforbush said above - there are plenty of places to get info, but this is one of the few places where you don't have to wade through mountains of crap to find an answer.

I do second that the mobile experience is...unusable due to the ads. I know the site needs the revenue, and I do not have an answer for it, just providing the feedback.

This place is where I trust to go for stuff - most of the folks here have a reputation and I haver confidence when I buy or sell here it's all going to work out. I would trust some rando on facebook as far as I can throw my phone, and I know how to make a trebuchet.

The last thing I want to point out is that unlike several other sites, this is one of the few where I can come and NOT get spammed to death, and when someone starts scamming the mods are so fast to act that I don't even GET any of that crap anymore.


Aug 6, 2023
we can’t let this site die. I wish we could get the traffic from the facebook pages.

As a elohhtbars “newbie”, you can get get more traffic directed here. If users go into FB or other like social media sites, PROMOTE this site and paste the web link in all of your replies..

IMO, FB and the likes are horrible platforms that will NEVER replace forums. With forums the membership can research anything that was listed from site inception to current. You can’t do that in FB or the like. Also, the forums hold so much more data/info than those other platforms. It’s easy to search for users, for old or new topics, for old or new subject matter, etc.

Plus depending on how images are posted, many do stay with the forum posts etc.

The other thing with forums too is you can research SCAMMERS and older threads regarding who was a problem or who to watch out for on this or other sites…. Again you can’t do that with FB or the like.

Me personally, and this is just my opinion, I really like how the forum is laid out with the sub-forums for different categories. It’s easy to hit a certain sub-forum maybe where my interest may be, as opposed to having everything “lumped together” then having to weed through all of the posts to find the interest….

I get the need to consolidate, but maybe not consolidate the sub-forums as much or don’t try to squeeze together all the sub-forums into such a high level where it may just be a hassle for users and then you loose interest…

Again, everyone should promote this site via any FB or like sites you go into. Me personally, I don’t have FB, it’s a garbage platform, it’s was created by someone who STOLE the idea and most who are on there are people who can’t socialize in real life, who sit behind their keyboards and bully others - and 98% of them wouldn’t dare say anything to someone’s face in the “real world”, but have the gall to do it online.

On forums, we all very friendly, very supportive, are here to help each other, we watch out for others and have a common interest among other hobbies.

In my short time on here there’s definitely been a lot of very helpful and knowlegabke folks who have helped me out or given guidance to questions that I could not get or find the answers to elsewhere.

I think the Classifieds should be as you laid it out, but keep the Trades separate from the For Sales.

If going with “modern” and “vintage” terminology maybe clarify years as to what is considered “vintage” vs “modern”. Meaning, is 2024 back to say 2000 still modern? If we go by the 25 year rule IMO, anything from 2000 is still “modern” (to me). Therefore anything vintage would be 1900-1999.

I would also keep these forum designators in place, because for me and probably others it’s real easy to jump to one depending on if I’m looking for something with lights vs. say a switch box or wiring…
- Non-Warning Equipment
- Warning Equipment


Aug 6, 2023
Oh and one more thing, which I saw mentioned several times in the responses - regarding mobile.

Unless there’s something very different with accessing this site via mobile, it’s fine for me on an iPhone with most current iOS via Safari, with the layout and how it’s presented. I don’t have any issues with perusing, posting, or forum jumping. Maybe something has changed since this thread was started?

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