what is the difference in these 2 boxes?


Aug 13, 2013
ft worth tx
Whelen PCC-S9lw vs pcc-s9rw as they look the same to me other than the connector on the back what am i missing TIA
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LW is low current ie: 1 amp output approx. RW is high output outputs somewhere generally between 10-20amps.

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LW is low current ie: 1 amp output approx. RW is high output outputs somewhere generally between 10-20amps.

What he said^ Except according to the install paperwork the low current model offers .5 amp outputs, and the high current is 20 amp outputs. However on the high current model, while individual outputs are rated at 20 amps, total output current cannot exceed 80 amps.
thank you guys for the info now to search for a rw version
You can "program" the slide switch to be "progressive" or "single function", meaning position 2 is 1+2, position 3 is 1+2+3.

Here is the manual, you can customize these more than you would think.

The PCCS9RW switches include a slide switch and 6 momentary switches. The slide switch has one off position and three active positions, combined with the 6 momentary switches, makes a total of 9 switches. For each of the 9 switches there are 9 corresponding relay outputs in the back of the unit. The PCCS9RW has the capability of customizing how the switches operate, and how they control the relay outputs as well as the siren enable output. Any of the 6 momentary switches can be configured to operate in one of four switch types: push on push off, momentary, flashing, or timed output. Any of the 9 switches can be configured to activate any combination of relay outputs. Any of the 9 switches can be configured to remotely activate any of the 6 momentary switches. Any of the 9 switches can be configured to activate the siren enable output.

I have one NIB except missing some labels. If you can;t find one elsewhere let me know. I'm not itching to sell it, but I will.
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what labels are missing and what would you want for it shipped to zip 76036 lmk thanks
I will look. I will have an answer by this evening.
So what I have is PCC-S9 which functions the same but has different connectors and uses dip switches instead of a scan lock button for programming. You can compare the manuals below if you like

mine - https://www.whelenmassnotification.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/13315.pdf
The one you mentioned - https://www.whelen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/14547.pdf

I seem to have a variety of packages of labels, so I'm no 100% sure what is what. I'd include the one in the sealed bag. I also have a bail bracket kit with two, one metal one plastic (pick one).

The going ebay rate is $135 plus shipping to $185 shipped
The ebay one is a good deal too. I'd sell mine for $125 shipped lower 48


Shelf Wear
thank you i have that model number now and was told it would not work good with a legacy solo and i am waiting on a reply from a guy to see what the difference is to me it is the connection point i will let you know what i find out by the way would you have a legacy all amber laying around by chance?
thank you i have that model number now and was told it would not work good with a legacy solo
Yeah, no..... you have a PCC-S9 now, buying a PCC-S9rw is pointless.

One of two things is the case; either what you have now will work fine OR you don't need a PCC-S9rw. There is no major difference in what you are proposing buying and what you already have as far as functionally switching a lightbar that uses 12vdc. They look a little different and the plugs and programming are slightly updated, but they do the same thing. High current relay switching.

There are scenarios where you might need something else entirely, like low current and a WECAD module, or a low current version on its own; but replacing a PCC-S9 with a PCC-S9rw is a waste of money.


Now the PCC-S9LW on the other hand may really benefit you if you have a low current switched bar. That box is made for switching low current loads and really cleans up the wiring size and number of plugs. My guess is you would need at PCC-S9LW if your current PCC-S9 isn't suited for the job.

NoLimitSquads: the low current model offers .5 amp outputs, and the high current is 20 amp outputs. However on the high current model, while individual outputs are rated at 20 amps, total output current cannot exceed 80 amps.


Figure out what the inputs are on your bar and we can tell you whether to buy new or keep you current. I'd run a low current bar on a high current box if I already had one because I don't mind the extra wires, it will work (never run a high current bar on a low current box). But if you want to match your bar properly we just need the model number or the wiring config and we can let you know what you need.
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I really liked these back in the day. Before my department switched over to the B-Link system they used these for a few years, mostly on 1993 and 1994 vehicles.
thank you i have that model number now and was told it would not work good with a legacy solo and i am waiting on a reply from a guy to see what the difference is to me it is the connection point i will let you know what i find out by the way would you have a legacy all amber laying around by chance?
If you have a Legacy, you will need something with WeCan. You can use any controller send inputs to a WeCan Control point, or you can get a Cencom that has Wecan built in.
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If you have a Legacy, you will need something with WeCan. You can use any controller send inputs to a WeCan Control point, or you can get a Cencom that has Wecan built in.
Exactly; He can use really any switchbox to send power to a wecan module. He doesn't have to buy a special low current model of what he already has. If it were me I'd get the module and keep my controller, but if you are replacing controllers something with wecan built in makes more sense; why buy a switch box and a module? Buying a different version of what he has is really the only thing that isn't practical. I hate seeing people waste money because of bad info. There is a low cost and a delux way to do this, but what OP was sent off to buy is neither.
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one other question i found a wccp control point how can i test it to see if it works since i dont have the lightbar yet? any procedures please let me know thanks
one other question i found a wccp control point how can i test it to see if it works since i dont have the lightbar yet? any procedures please let me know thanks
You really can't fully in any one easy way. Once the whole setup is in one spot you will have plenty of setup and testing. There are small tests you can do with with powering it etc, but it won't 100% show function. Get everything in one place and we can troubleshoot an issues then.
one other question i found a wccp control point how can i test it to see if it works since i dont have the lightbar yet? any procedures please let me know thanks
I recommend getting familiar with Whelen's "Command" software. That's where you will spend time getting the lightbar to work the way you want. IMHO I "trust" the low-current switching between the PCC-S9lw and the wccp will "just work".
The most complicated/difficult/fun part is getting the wccp to instruct the lightbar what to do. That's all in the programming and "Command" is where you make that happen...so time is well-spent learning it.

You can download a copy for free, here:

Um, do you have a Windows PC? Hope so -- Command runs on that.
My $0.02
I recommend getting familiar with Whelen's "Command" software. That's where you will spend time getting the lightbar to work the way you want. IMHO I "trust" the low-current switching between the PCC-S9lw and the wccp will "just work".
The most complicated/difficult/fun part is getting the wccp to instruct the lightbar what to do. That's all in the programming and "Command" is where you make that happen...so time is well-spent learning it.

You can download a copy for free, here:

Um, do you have a Windows PC? Hope so -- Command runs on that.
My $0.02
It is really cool software. I set up so many inputs and virtual events. IF, AND, OR etc are cool variables to play with. It is even more fun with a duo or trio bar.

I have "IF in park AND position 3, THEN disable outputs 1, 3, 5, AND switch rear pattern to DVI AND disable SIREN."

I did a "IF in position 1 AND in park AND TA is OFF the ENABLE Cruise in TA heads at 20%.

I also did one where the TA goes off when you shift out of park.

The software is cool. I learned a lot more once it was hooked up, but you could practice with just the software.
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