Whackers Anonymous


Resident Ghost
Lifetime VIP Donor
Feb 27, 2012
Berks County PA
Hello. My name is Earl. I have been a blinky haulic for 15 plus years now. Its been more, but some of its been a blur of flashy flashy blinky blinky and seizures. Ive blown whole
paychecks in the pursuit of lights. Ive owned almost every form of light known to man. Beacons, buzzers and spotlights oh my.

Some say I need help. My wife thinks im insane. Is there a therapy for this? I think there is

its called buy more lights

post you whacker stories here, what got you involved, how crazy have you gone on purchases, etc
Been on here since 2000 something mightve been 2000 or so cause i was still in high school.

I originally wanted my 2 favorite lightbars, which are the mx7000 and streethawk.......wellllllllll here it is 2020 and i have:
7 streethawks
16 mx7000s
4 excaliburs
2 code 3 xl5000s
4 edges
1 rx2700
2 ledx2100
2 aerodynics
1 420
2 lp6105s
1 advantEDGE
1 fireball 2 with mirror
2 fireball 1
1 dual dashking
1 firebeam
2 dual dashmisers
1 single dashmiser (and parts to do 2 more singles)
1 whelen responder dashlight
1 fed sig sentry
1 lectric lites strobe beacon
1 vitalite
1 grote 7644
1 star 9200
1 highlighter
1 code 3 360
1 shell of a fed sig legend bar

And a shit load of parts :)

And not a day goes by i think........what the fuck was i thinking lol.

But i do admit i have made friends along the way by being here, have only met 2 in person though (both are no longer members though)
I wish. He used to be a member here before he was rab off. Tim Skees was his name.
So Mathew , how was I “ raboff-Ed?”
You may want to explain how you bought a lightbar, partially on credit, and 6 years later, still have not paid me and my wife the $50 you owed.
easy for a thief to call someone names when you think they won’t find out.
the truth doesn’t lie my FORMER friend and brother. We have that common police friend who would be most happy to confirm you never finished paying for that lightbar you are threatening to beat me with.

Tru telling the whole story next time, Matt. Cave City FD doesn’t tolerate people doing things like you just did, neither does the city or the mayor.
I wish. He used to be a member here before he was rab off. Tim Skees was his name.
If you have a dispute with an active member and the transaction was done on eLb, please create a thread in the “transaction dispute” area.

Any further comments on that dispute will
be deleted as off topic
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I've been a member here since 1942. I ran a multi-million dollar (into the ground). The number of dissatisfied customers I have left in my wake are innumerable.

That is all.

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