Travel Scrabble


Wilson LED
Sep 30, 2013
Corning, New York
This game exists over on Radioreference so I thought I would bring it over here for us to enjoy as well.

Rules are pretty simple. Dont have to be a genius to play. We all will call foul If something isn't right.

Doubles may exist after 100posts

Here's how this works. I'll start a four letter word. Each additional post should change ONE letter of the word to make a new word.


1st Post: Drag

2nd Post: Brag

3rd Post: Brad (The words CAN be names)

If you run out of ideas (i.e. if the thread gets hung for a two days or so), PM me and I'll start a new word!

You can also use the word backwards as a turn.




Please put your word in CAPS. Making a sentence to go along with your word is encouraged but not mandatory.

If there is interest maybe this thread can get pinned.

Here's the starter word:

Did anyone SNAG a new light today?
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I didn't, but I must say this shirt is a bit SNUG
Transposing of letters isn't allowed. Only can change 1 letter or backwards. So I'm going to take it back and flex my GUNS.
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this seems so lame it doenst sound FUNS
I got my VANS on but they feel like sneakers
guess the dogs weren't your biggest FANS
That was a repeat but this is still a new game. I am just going to SNAP my fingers and continue on.
do you want a hand CLAP?
Don't know, Skippy, try asking a BRIT.
I wouldn't I hear they are all just a big BRAT
clap has already been used....
good ill go get my grenade.... its a FRAG type
In the BRAS department?
Crap. Too late.

My buddy BRAD has some experience with the bra department, he has a 'C' cup.

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