Support "that file already exists"


Passed Away
May 7, 2015
Hi.. I've noticed that if one tries to share a file on this website in any category, such as a photo, on another thread as a point of reference, discussion, or clarification, the file cannot be shared because "that file already exists" Is there some possibility that this will be addressed in some fashion so that members can share photos and the like on other threads and topics to help out others. Thanks.
Can you explain how you are trying to share a photo? Are you uploading a file from your computer files, or trying to link one from another webpage, or something else?
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Sure! I chose to place a file from the Dietz Catalog within this website on a post earlier today. I got to the page in the catalog, copied the image to my desktop, then attempted to post it on the thread where I wanted it to go. I hit upload a file, and then attempted to add the saved image i had on my desktop. "That file already exisits" was the response.
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I have done that in the past with the same result. To be safe, and from your request, I just tried it again. Renamed the saved file from a photo on this website... Same result when upload was attempted..."that file already exists."
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Thank you for trying. JMan is the tech guru and hopefully will have a solution, as that was all of my troubleshooting
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I have not been able to replicate this on mobile or web based platforms. My initial thoughts were that you had uploaded an image with the same file name on the site, but the renaming should have disproved that theory.
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I would have thought so also that changing the name would eliminate that problem but it does not work, and as Dan noted above it seems to be an issue. Do appreciate your working on this, thanks!
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that is the message I get....I tried to place a picture (jpeg) of the first page of the Dietz catalog in the Vintage and Collectible section. Copied it to my desktop the tried to upload it. The box above is what happens--regardless if I change the file name or not....
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Has this been happening for a while, or did it just start? Last time I checked the attachments system, everything was functional.

I'll look into this, though. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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