Structure Fire Response


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May 15, 2013
Central Illinois
Responding to my dept's. station for mutual aid to structure fire call. Missed the rig by about 30 seconds. 

Not the greatest video but this is my first night recording attempt and my first wet weather recording.
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Reactions: Mrlunchbox only on volunteer FD POV's, B/W if you are a volunteer member of OEM/ESDA.  No sirens, bells, whistles, but horns are okay if they are not "unreasonably loud".  A few on my dept. use the Whelen electric horn boxes.  Vollie chiefs can run full R/B w/siren POV though after they pass an EVOC.

Lotsa small towns and 1 bigger city in my county so most people understand.
I like the new light bar! On a side note I thought volunteers had to stop at red lights until it turns green.
That's why I asked if blue was a courtesy color, I'm also a volunteer that runs blue courtesy lights an we must obey all traffic laws.
That's why I asked if blue was a courtesy color, I'm also a volunteer that runs blue courtesy lights an we must obey all traffic laws.
To answer the courtesy questions....From what I know of the Illinois Vehicle Code (chuck IDK about Jersey), if you approach an intersection and the light is red, you must stop first, then if all traffic yields you may go thru ONLY after you come to a complete stop.  Now I may be wrong, so don't quote me on that.  Its what we have always done for years here though.  Now if you get into a crash you are TOTALLY screwed, your fault or not.

Here's the IVC link

and the ELB Laws of Lights link

I like the new light bar! On a side note I thought volunteers had to stop at red lights until it turns green.
Thanks man.  Its definitely brighter than my old Vector..(which I still miss occasionally).
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That makes sense. I had just never seen anyone do it around here. I guess that is the result of vague laws
Might double check your depts. policy as well.
It's s absolute no no around here, if we were to get caught going thru a red light they would put us thru the ringer not to mention the liability of it, just not worth it and could totally ruin your life if a accident ever did happen.
Someone in my area (not my dept.) got into one last year (minor damage only no inj's).  Did the whole stop, check, clear thing.  Driver in far lane beside a box truck tagged the responder just behind the rear axle.  Had to pay to get their truck and other drivers car fixed, ins. rates went up, and they got ticketed (3 moving viols. in a year and IL suspends your DL),   From what I was told the POV driver works for a trucking co. and almost lost their job because of the ticket even though they were off the clock.  Definitely made everyone on my dept. think twice.

Fortunately in all my years in public safety (since '93) I've only heard of a handful of POV responder accidents in my county.  Still more than it should be though.  
Love the Freedom. It is a Freedom right? I thought I saw your thread where you had updated it. Would love to get my hands on the parts to update my homebrew Edge into a Freedom. Or find one. 

Great response too. I would hate to live where it was just a courtesy light.
Thanks. Yes it is a Freedom.  I was doing an Edge conversion and came across this beaut on ELB.  The Edge upfit is simple and you can do it as money allows. 

And the response was actually longer.  I cut the video just before getting to the barn.  I ended up having to turn around and go direct to the scene, which was 14 miles away.  The video was already pretty blurry where I stopped it though so....
That sucks. I know how that feels though. In my time on my previous dept I always went direct to scene and they were distances like that.

I think what I am going to do with mine the way it is and if I can come across another Edge I will leave the corner strobes in it and make the rest led.
Yeah, it was go 7.5 miles from my house to the barn, or 14.5 miles from my house to the call...didn't hear anyone else on the radio so thought I was getting the truck.

And that's where I was at with mine (strobe corners, LED 400s across front and rear) before I traded it to Wilsonbr90 for some LED swap out work.  Highly recommend him if you come across some heads that need LEDs replaced.
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Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. Hopefully gonna start scouting for parts on here once some bills get taken care of. Probably will get a separate Edge for the conversion. Most likely a 9M, since the original 9000 I have right now is all pieced together.

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