Star/SVP DLX6 (Gall's G6) dual LED dash/deck light.


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2010
North Carolina
I received this used form another member, and solely bought it out of curiosity because I have never seen one in person and the threads posted here on ELB haven't gotten much traffic.


It is of good quality in a plastic housing, though not as sturdy as I would hope for what the "new" price is. The light heads fit snugly inside the flash housing, and wires can be seen behind the light heads. The reflector and lens assemblies are sturdy, clean, and attractive.


The plug is of the Talon/Avenger type with flash selector switch and the light draws almost 2 amps.


The brightness is really quite shocking, even in direct sunlight. To my eyes, it is brighter than the Talon or Avenger, they are superior off-axis because of linear optics. The only other light that has impressed me this much is the Tomar 200s. But the DLX6 is especially impressive, considering the overall tiny size of the light. I expected it to be closer to Talon/Avenger size, and it's nowhere close. For such a compact light of little vertical height, it's rather remarkable. At night it is simply blinding to the point of ridiculousness. Off-axis daytime warning, as I said, is nothing to write home about, but that's typical of TIR lights as you guys know.

Through 5% tint, the light is virtually ineffective during the day. Through 25% tint, it performs admirably.

The flash patterns are rather unique, and I've not decided which ones I like best. Most of them overlap, which I do like. Many of them put each head on a different pattern, and I'm not crazy about that.

My model is blue/blue, with 6 LEDs per head, and I think it's bright enough even for primary warning. I'd feel better with a second one over my visor (or on my dash), but I think it is sufficient enough effective for dash, visor, and deck use as primary warning for public safety. For volunteer use, I think it's spectacular. I've got to be honest though, at this price point, I'm not totally sure why one would choose this over the Avenger or Viper.

One strange thing I noticed is that the light actually appears brighter and larger the further you get from the vehicle. I don't know if that is an optical illusion, or the effect of the reflector.


Overall, I give it a solid B+.

Upsides are size, appearance, brilliance, true-blue color, patterns, and effectiveness.

Down sides are off-axis warning, the housing, and the price.


Workin on that! :yes:
Title/Name of item - Fake Light

Manufacturer - Marcson Tech

Model Number - 911-72

Link to manufacturer -

How/why you got it - Made it up

Purpose/Description - This is a self contained 360 degree strobe. It is taller than.... blah blah blah, lots of details.

How you tested it/results - I mounted it on my invisible car in -40 and drove at 90mph for 16 hrs. It failed after the first 2 hrs.

Rating (1-10, 10 is best)

  • Durability 2
  • Performance/Usefulness 1
  • Innovation 1
  • Appearance 4
  • Price 7
  • Other (shipping) 3

Total 3


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