SpeedTech 120-Watt 6-Head Hideaway Strobe Kit


Dec 22, 2012
Northeast Kentucky
Title/Name of item - 120-watt 6-head hideaway strobe kit

Manufacturer - Speedtech Lights

Model Number - K-120

Link to manufacturer - https://www.speedtechlights.com/product_detail.php?iid=1&catid=9&id=58

How/why you got it - On sale, needed better rear warning and intersection warning than what I currently had. Purchased on sale from Speedtech for $109 + shipping, came out to $126 shipped to my door, pack is usually $179 + ship off sale.

Purpose/Description - Used in my FF POV for code 3 response, as well as hazard warning.

How you tested it/results - For the price, the unit isn't bad. We just recently installed an older Whelen 4-strobe pack in our chief engineer's 2002 Silverado, and it was pretty bright...I installed 2005 style tails on my truck after replacing the LED tails I had ordered for them. Front two strobes are in the turn signal housings, while the rear 4 strobes are in the brake and reverse housings. Front and reverse are bright day or night, the brake lights aren't extremely bright but they do catch your attention. Better than the eBay strobe packs..we have one in our utility truck at the station, two of the strobes are shorted out, and it is nowhere near as bright as these.

Also of note, when I installed the strobe pack, I accidentally damaged one of the front strobes prior to install (all 6 worked out of the box)...called Speedtech and ordered a new bulb, and it was on my doorstep within 2-3 days no problem.

Rating (1-10, 10 is best)

Durability 8

Performance/Usefulness 7

Innovation 8

Appearance 4

Price 8

Other (shipping) 8

Total 43/60 (72%)

Videos (I will obtain pictures of the pack installed when I can, the pack is sitting behind my seat at the moment, but I will be mounting it when I redo my truck lighting in the coming weeks. Also, I apologize for the video quality, it was taken with an iPhone 4)

Daytime test fit


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