Something Different - Ford Expedition - Oil & Gas


New Member
May 21, 2014
Alberta canada
A little information prior to the video ...

In where we are located, Oil & Gas companies (and their contractors) are allowed to have fully equipped units to respond to Oil & Gas emergencies, throughout our province.

The exemption is for Oil & Gas emergencies, and generally does not permit for response to public emergencies.

This vehicle was done up as an initial response vehicle, on board it has Medical, Technical Rescue and Spill Response Supplies on Board.

This vehicle is set up to run a full emergency setup, and a amber "construction" style setup for traveling on private roads where amber blinky blinks are required.

As I already see the ghost graphic remarks coming, we chose ghost graphics as we do not respond to the public. We do not want the public trying to waive us down in an emergency, when we cannot legally interfere with that jurisdiction. Additionally we do have a requirement to have company name on the vehicle, along with emergency services Designation. If an operator of the vehicle stops at an emergency, based on their call.. they take the liability if they are using the emergency equipment outside of scope.

As for the equipment!

Whelen Inner Edge
Whelen M7 in amber red
Whelen M2 as intersection lights
Whelen par 28 fog lights

Whelen Rotabeams
Whelen Tac80 traffic advisor
Whelen Lin 3 LP lights
Whelen vertex in the brake light area.

*would like another side light, but we will cross that bridge when it comes*

Controller is simple switches off relays and a Whelen Alpha siren controller.

As for the videos:


Interesting. I like the set ups. Not overly done and defined lighting that does not drown out other lighting.
A little information prior to the video ...

In where we are located, Oil & Gas companies (and their contractors) are allowed to have fully equipped units to respond to Oil & Gas emergencies, throughout our province.

The exemption is for Oil & Gas emergencies, and generally does not permit for response to public emergencies.

This vehicle was done up as an initial response vehicle, on board it has Medical, Technical Rescue and Spill Response Supplies on Board.

This vehicle is set up to run a full emergency setup, and a amber "construction" style setup for traveling on private roads where amber blinky blinks are required.

As I already see the ghost graphic remarks coming, we chose ghost graphics as we do not respond to the public. We do not want the public trying to waive us down in an emergency, when we cannot legally interfere with that jurisdiction. Additionally we do have a requirement to have company name on the vehicle, along with emergency services Designation. If an operator of the vehicle stops at an emergency, based on their call.. they take the liability if they are using the emergency equipment outside of scope.

As for the equipment!

Whelen Inner Edge
Whelen M7 in amber red
Whelen M2 as intersection lights
Whelen par 28 fog lights

Whelen Rotabeams
Whelen Tac80 traffic advisor
Whelen Lin 3 LP lights
Whelen vertex in the brake light area.

*would like another side light, but we will cross that bridge when it comes*

Controller is simple switches off relays and a Whelen Alpha siren controller.

As for the videos:


I like the rear Whelen Rotabeams. Nice balanced setup.

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