My POV at a Auto Ped yesterday with Border patrol

Station 3

Forum Guru
May 21, 2010
Edinburg Texas
Well we got called out by border patrol to an autoped accident yesterday. They were chasing some illegals and some of them jumped out and got run over by the vehicle they were in. EMS transported them to our County since we were the closest Fire department in the area and we set up a landing zone for valley air care to transport the injured male subject.

fire 2.jpg

you mean the air evac chopper didnt crash?
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Hey Garza, nice truck, but I bet you miss your old CVPI. Ahhh, memories!
Well this is my POV I use for fires I still have my CVPI that the county issued me for patrol. They told me that in 2 months I will be forced to give up my CVPI and finally take another unit which unfortunately is a 2014 charger. Most people like fast cars that look nice but I rather have something reliable and tough that can go down dirt roads and be treated bad just like my CVPI I don't need no pretty boy car that does not leave the paved road..... I already told my Brass that im going to break the charger because im going to treat it like my CVPI but they don't listen so I guess they are going to learn the hard way lol.

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