MX7000 resurrection and Custom 2 speed rotators

May 21, 2010
I recently thought I found a decent and fairly reasonably priced MX7000. After an hour drive on a gorgeous day, I was definitely mistaken. I decided to buy it anyway (had good sweeps, long cables and an arrow). Stripped it down to clean up the lowers, replaced all 5 rotators, replaced the upper filters and made 2 of the 3 high speed rotators multi speed. Unfortunately I don't have interior before pictures but do along the way. The domes are by far the worst I have ever restored, I planned on tossing them. Eventually I figured I would see what I could do with them. After doing one dome I decided to do the other 2. Still some crazing and spots I could have done better on. I can touch up a couple of spots if I ever decide but content with it for now.
It is a former Minnesota State Patrol bar

I put in a controller for the motors (both run of the same). I preset the speed I want then turn it on or bypass it with a relay

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