Wanted: Modern mini aerodynic parts

Jarred J.

Archive Expert
Lifetime VIP Donor
May 21, 2010
Shelbyville, TN
we had to remove the warning equipment off an older ambulance at work.. on the back was a 4 section mini aerodynic

it doesnt seem to be waaaaaaaay old as it has H1 bulbs for the rotators. i asked my Dumb @ss co workers to be gentle with it when they took it off but instead they threw it in a roll off dumpster and threw furniture on top of it..

so what could have easily been a polish, re wire, add mounting to make it collectible it will need way more work (roll eye emoji)

they broke one of the reflectors for the H1 so ill need that its an older aluminum or polished steel type.

2 endcaps with screws as they lost 2 of the 4 screws

4 red sections 2 are salvageable with polishing as they broke the 4th one with the end cap but 4 would be easier and less work

the center reflector > they didnt crush it but one of the screw holes is no longer a circle but a "c" it probably really wont matter as it wont be vehicle mounted anymore but if its cheap enough

any help appreciated
I'd been very pissed if I seen my request went unheeded. Gotdamn, what a bunch of c**ts :mad:
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