Mega Thin Dual color


Jul 28, 2011
Nashua, NH
ive started looking into code 3's Mega thin dual color surface mounts. trying to read the documentation for wiring and im a bit confused. it talks about colors 1&3 on 1 line and colors 2&4 on a second line. o_O

im trying to dumb it down so my simple mind can understand - im still looking at 2 trigger wires, color A on the red wire color B on the white wire and if i want to flash both colors i trigger A&B together for a third option?. soooo these are 3 mode, 2 single color triggers and a third combined multi color trigger?

is my logic correct?

in case i haven't been obvious with my questions in my last few posts, my next investment is going to be a good set of grill lights. Mega Thins come in a Green/Amber dual color (part# ULTMC-AG) and Red/Amber dual color (part# ULTMC-RA) only found 1 place online that has them, their 83$ each. micron stud mounts are running 105$ each single color.
You are correct, two separate wires and both together trigger a third mode. What's nice about the Code3 lights is that you can set any of the three modes to do whatever you want. You aren't stuck with just one color on one wire.
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thats fun! now to find them and the brackets for the PIU grill.

anyone have a vid of dual colors in action? code 3 isnt too good on posting media

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