lvfd2005 Resolved


Jan 19, 2012
PA, Washington County
I hate doing this, and I’m not creating a “dispute” yet, I just want an answer and a tracking number.

I purchased 4 older Feniex T4 sticks on June 5. 2 800 and 2 400, all half red, half blue. He told me 2 red modules had problems, everything else worked. I have a friend that wanted an all blue 800, so I figured I’d make an all blue 800 for him, an all red 800 to resale, an all blue 400 to resale, then have some parts left over because of the 2 bad red modules.

I didn’t get them until about June 20 because of a mixup with UPS on his end, which I found out about after several PMs. Upon receiving the items, I found that not only 2 red modules were bad, but 3 blue modules were also bad (upon initial testing, not after any rewiring on my part). I was still able to make my 2 complete 800 sticks, but not another 400 stick, which I factored into the price. I have since moved modules around to make sure that the wiring the way I got it was not responsible for any bad modules, and it was not.

I sent him a PM about this which he responded and said he was sending out a few more T4s he found in his shop. A week and a half later I didn’t receive anything and didn’t hear back so I PM’d again. He said he forgot and was sending them out then. It’s been almost 2 weeks since then, and I sent him a PM 2 days ago with no response, and nothing received. He also stated in a PM that he would include a flasher, which also wasn’t included and he hasn’t responded about that either.

It’s going on a month and a half now. Please advise.
Just an FYI, I knew these were "project" sticks going into the deal, that I'd have to do some moving of light heads and a little rewiring to get what I wanted out of it, and I knew that. I'm not just "complaining" about little things. I was basically shorted almost an entire "working" 400 stick on the deal, and haven't heard or received anything yet.
Ok still nothing.. How do I go about getting an admin involved, or does anyone know how Square works, like if there is a dispute thing like paypal has?
Ok still nothing.. How do I go about getting an admin involved, or does anyone know how Square works, like if there is a dispute thing like paypal has?
You should be able to dispute it through your card company should you choose.
Thanks for the update. It's okay, I understand, but I just didn't know you were going on vacation and didn't hear back from you several times. I'll let you know once the package arrives. The other 2 sticks are good.
As long as there's at least like 2 working modules in there so I can finish up one more stick I'll close this thread out.
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Received a box of a several replacement T4s. Most of them worked, I can now complete the bar. Thank you for taking care of this. Dispute now closed.
It took a long time to receive the original bars, there was a lack of communication, it took a long time to receive the replacements. I'm happy this wasn't for an urgent install, but it wasn't, so I am satisfied.
Thanks, John
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