Looking for Feniex dealer!


Junior Member
Aug 4, 2010

  I am looking for a Feniex dealer.  I currently own a split universal mount LED interior lightbar that worked great in my car.  I recently purchased a 2014 silverado and need to see about getting silverado mounting brackets or if the interior bar will even work....I've contacted one dealer out of NY and never heard back....If anyone is a dealer here could you please help? If not I will be selling the old bar and buying a new one!
Send Fever a PM. He is one of the best and most helpful Feniex dealers around.
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I take it the bar you have is not a Feniex product? Feniex has the ability to do frame swaps on the Pegasus and Apollo bars. Without knowing which specific bar you have, its difficult to answer.
The bar i currently have is a Feniex Pegasus split universal bar....

Send Fever a PM. He is one of the best and most helpful Feniex dealers around.
how can i get in contact with him?
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I take it the bar you have is not a Feniex product? Feniex has the ability to do frame swaps on the Pegasus and Apollo bars. Without knowing which specific bar you have, its difficult to answer.
I have the universal 2 piece pegasus bar..... How do I go about getting a frame swap?
The specific mount I bought for my universal fit...  lol  I figured this was easier since you have them already on your site for purchase...  
The specific mount I bought for my universal fit...  lol  I figured this was easier since you have them already on your site for purchase...  
the brackets that you got were slotted and allowed for some adjustment PLUS you had to modify them some.... 

The vehicle specific brackets he need are not slotted

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