Wanted: Modern ISO Signal VP Siren - Model SS730 - Replacement Siren for an in-service Ambulance


May 24, 2010
Western KS (Formerly Northern CA)

My local EMS Unit has an ambulance out-of-service for a bad siren, and they have had no luck finding one on the secondary market. The control head is cut into the doghouse, and they really don't want to completely rewire for a different siren at this point if they can help it, since the unit in question is either going to be sold or placed in inactive reserve in the next 6 months. Unfortunately, they already have one unit out of service for an extended time due to issues with the DEF system, and only have one unit left covering the entire county, so getting this one repaired is a priority.

Apparently the SVP SS730 as shown isn't readily available any more from the company. If anyone knows where they can get one, either from a front-end dealer or one from one of us, it would be greatly appreciated!! I told them I'd try some of my connections, hence here I am LOL.

They need the siren listed above, and shown in the photo attached. They found two, each on relatively shady "auction" sites, and both sellers flaked on them, luckily before sucking them for any money.


  • siren.jpg
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You might also check into the Carson line of siren. I believe this SVP was a direct compete with Carson. SA-441…

Also any installer worth their weight should be able to pretty easily retrofit a remote siren…

Worst case leave the existing remote head, Rob the wiring harness and put a toggle switch siren with wail n yelp in and be done with it.


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