Is this a veted site?

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Dec 18, 2014
Has anyone ordered from recently? I was looking to order some custom Feniex fusions and haven’t heard much about them. Plus their Facebook has been updated in a long while. TIA
usually a good thing to google people behind a company. I have found that it's better to use google to search on this site for things related to what I'm looking for versus using the search function on this site. (for instance google: Carlos SpicyWeiner and you will see every post im mentioned in.

jared ross

Just my opinion... but I would personally rather cut off my meatballs than recommend them to someone I care about.
usually a good thing to google people behind a company. I have found that it's better to use google to search on this site for things related to what I'm looking for versus using the search function on this site. (for instance google: Carlos SpicyWeiner and you will see every post im mentioned in.

jared ross

Just my opinion... but I would personally rather cut off my meatballs than recommend them to someone I care about.
Here is the public record of the judgement in favor of ELB. I am not making any claim as to the business being discussed, I am simply providing a link to the actual judgement that was discussed.

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Link is dead.
Edited and fixed the link to the court judgment.

The reader's digest version as interpreted by me (i.e. not an official statement by the site) is that people were posting what was perceived by Jared as negative info about him and he wanted the site to censor it. The site had a policy that users were responsible for their own content, neither confirmed nor denies the posts, it was up to users to decided which opinions and statements to believe. That would mean Jared would need to sue the end users and prove that they were defaming him etc, not the site on which they allegedly did this. Jared informed he still wanted multiple posts removed and threatened to sue the site to get them taken down. Jared's account was frozen due to pending legal action (a very typical action taken by sites). The site received additional "notices of his intent to sue" if certain demands were not met (reinstating certain account(s), censoring certain posts ect). People posted their opinions on the matter including these new developments. When these posts also stayed up (again these were end user opinions, not statements by the site) Jared filed a federal lawsuit.

Eventually Jared's legal action was decided in favor of in the form summary judgement. In layman's terms this means case law on the issue is established enough that the court can give a decision before the case moves forward. It cost some money and time, but in the end that was about all it did. Federal law is pretty specific about this scenario.

There are specific laws that state that the opinions of end users do not transfer liability to the platform on which they are posted, and individual end users are responsible for their own content. So again Jared would need to sue each individual person posting, not the site they did it with. The example I use is that if I went on facebook and stated that company XYZ uses child labor then company XYZ would need to compel me to take the post down. Facebook can neither confirm nor deny my statement, and they are not the one at fault if I am lying. Company XYZ could sue me and I would have to defend my statement, which if true would cause me to win the case. Company XYZ would have to live with my statement being publicized as it was unable to be proven false and/or malicious. However, if it was proven in court to be maliciously posted false and defaming material then company XYZ could contact facebook and ask them to remove the content as it was proven to be maliciously false. Usually websites remove content that is proven to be false in court although the legality behind that gets more complicated, it still was not posted by facebook. It is far more likely that I would have been ordered to remove the post myself as part of the judgement in favor of company XYZ and facebook would never get involved. That is my own personal summary and example, not an official legal opinion or the stated position of

Despite winning the case, this was one of many the reasons I transferred the site out of the name of my business and let the current owner(s) run it. I still use my LCC to sell vintage items and for any potential Youtube earnings etc, but my name and my LLC are not involved at an ownership level with this site. I had lots of other things going on in my life and couldn't devote the time to issues like being threatened with lawsuits by angry users (it happens more than you think). I had taken on more responsibilities at work and had (still have) too little time to devote to the site to be the owner.

Again, I'm in no way making a statement about the current business being reviewed, it's owner and I am not dissuading people from making their own decision in any way, shape or form. I'm simply linking public record information that some users may want. Draw your own conclusions, make your own decisions, all the info is public record. I no longer post as a representative of this site, I am a user who wants other users to have all the info they can get. If you want to do business with Jared in some capacity that is your choice. (the site) had/has no official stance on who to do business with. Personally I suggest you research anyone with whom you are going to do business and decide for yourself what makes someone a good choice as a dealer.
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I’ve dealt with Jared before and I’ve never had any issues. Can always find whatever your looking for if you need any help just Pm me
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