Ford Police Interceptor Headlight Flasher


Passed Away
May 22, 2010
Omaha, NE
It is my pleasure to introduce you to the only headlight flasher kit for the new Ford Police Interceptors. The Ford Interceptor Shutter Override System (or FISOS) is a newly designed solid-state headlight flasher and is the only one of its kind. The complete kit features the FISOS module, relay with harness, in-line fuse holder with 15 amp fuse and all the necessary connectors you will need for the installation.

The FISOS module is a plug and play system and connects in-between your vehicle wire harness and headlights. FISOS monitors when the headlights are being used and commands activation of the shutter system allowing you to display one of the 30+ flash patterns. When the vehicle commands usage of the headlight system, the module relinquishes control to the vehicle. Activation of the headlights or flash-to-pass deactivates FISOS. After the headlights are turned off or flash-to-pass is released, the flasher resumes operation.

The kit installs in about 10 minutes on the Ford Utility and about 20 minutes on the Ford Sedan. This is because the Explorer provides easier access to the rear of the headlights for a quicker installation.

An installation video is in the works. Please contact us if you have any questions or visit us at

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VERY impressive. I'm sure you guys put a lot of labor into developing this kit. Is there any kind if guarantee it won't cause damage? I know the upfitter guide states a few times not to use any of the current HLF modules. It'd be nice if Ford would give you something in writing...but either way, great job. I've missed seeing the HLF!
Fed Sig has expressed interest in this product and to perhaps carry the line, as does another US manufacturer. Our product is currently patent-pending.

As far as guarantee, our original model is 3 years old. This new model is 2 months old. From the Ford PI Manual:

Headlight and Tail Light Modifications
NOTICE: To prevent current spike damage to the body control module (BCM), do not splice into any lighting circuits.

Headlight Flashers (Wig-wag)

Note: It is recommended that wig-wag function is accomplished through a dedicated solution.

Our unit does not splice into anything, it's best described as an interface. It has all the necessary protection in it and has worked flawlessly thus far. We spent the time and money to create a dedicated solution to the problem.

After talking to some Ford reps, they each had the same thing to say: "Ford cannot warranty any aftermarket product installed onto any of their vehicles. The manufacturer takes on that responsibility." The standard answer. That goes the same for every product for every vehicle. Do you think Ford will warranty the front frame of a vehicle if the Setina bumper installed causes any bending or twisting? It's up to each company to do the research, testing and yes guarantees.

Everyone said "Don't install a flasher on a Dodge Charger or Durango". SoundOff came up with the ETHFSS-SP-ISO. Ford said don't install one on a Ford PI and we came up with FISOS. Where there's a will, there's a way. :)

Maybe Ford in the future can integrate this into their "Ready for the Road" lighting package then it comes straight from the factory installed :)
GTIdriver said:
Maybe Ford in the future can integrate this into their "Ready for the Road" lighting package then it comes straight from the factory installed :)

Bite your tongue. :-x
FireEMSPolice said:
I like this! Good work!!

Let me ask, will this work on a retail Taurus or retail Explorer?

Yes they will. As long as they don't have hid headlights.
God bless you! I've been stabbing my eyeballs every time I see some poorly placed/ineffective LAWs in front. Hopefully, now, the LAWs in the interceptor headlight housings will be predominantly limited to the side/intersection cutout
I am confused - the video shows this in comparison to hide-a-ways mounted in the HL housing - a location nobody should use as its optically terrible. Honestly in the 100's of cars we have around us nobody places Hide-A-Ways in that location and most use the Ford approved HL Wig Wag System - or PTW system... do you have a video that compares the Ford system with your option...

Are you defeating the Shutter? It is in there for a reason - Maybe a bit more explanation would clear that up. Along with some kind of reassurance that this cannot compromise the body computer in any way.

Also I would look at your site and clean up the spelling errors..Nothing turns off new customers like issues and confusion on a website.
Wattco - Brent said:
I am confused - the video shows this in comparison to hide-a-ways mounted in the HL housing - a location nobody should use as its optically terrible. Honestly in the 100's of cars we have around us nobody places Hide-A-Ways in that location and most use the Ford approved HL Wig Wag System - or PTW system... do you have a video that compares the Ford system with your option...

Are you defeating the Shutter? It is in there for a reason - Maybe a bit more explanation would clear that up. Along with some kind of reassurance that this cannot compromise the body computer in any way.

Also I would look at your site and clean up the spelling errors..Nothing turns off new customers like issues and confusion on a website.

Hi Brent,

Wow, our first interaction and you come out swinging.

Let's address your concerns. First, the design of our products is proprietary. I won't disclose the internals of the system as won't Whelen or any other manufacturer about their equipment, especially products being patented. Second, the flasher is being compared to a HAW system that one gets from Ford. Nobody is paying for a PTW system, and you can't honestly try to compare an LED PTW system to a halogen bulb. You have what, 9 1 Watt LEDs on a PTW system. That's 9 Watts in the focal point of a reflector, and all 9 LEDs are not dedicated to displaying one color. You have this compared to a 65 Watt halogen bulb in the focal point of a reflector amplified by the projection style lens. Are you seriously trying to tell me 9 Watts (if that) can beat out 65 Watts? I think you know the answer to that.

I know all the components inside the headlight assembly, so I know quite well what systems need to be activated/controlled and what type of monitoring our system does from the BCM. This new system took a year to design and implement. Our first system has been in use for three years now with ZERO problems (I like those testing stats). Our new system has been in use for two months with ZERO problems. As of Friday, I checked with the dept. they are installed at and they have had ZERO problems. They actually made the joke that the vehicle has been back more times for the Whelen lightbar than for issues with FISOS. And the vehicle is in use everyday.

One thing about our product line that you might not have caught on to is that we make some pretty unique products. Each of our products has multiple features built into it, so it doesn't just do one thing. I can understand your concern, but let me ask you this; do you contact Whelen and ask them what certifications or approvals they have on each product they release? If I go with someone smaller, do you ask Sean at EV Modules about his products? Probably not.

As for the BCM, version 1 is three years running and version 2 is two months running. We have the proper protection built into the product that prevents any damage from occurring. Our stats prove this.

Lastly, I would really appreciate it if you could be more specific and not blindly say we have spelling errors on our website and be rude about it.

We spend hours designing the website, manuals and carefully word the message we are trying to convey. We make every effort to make sure spelling, grammar and punctuation is accurate. From your comment, I found ONE misspelling, and that was one word with two letters swapped. To what plural errors are you referring to? Provide examples instead of just making the statement.

To me, it seems that you are pissed that we came up with something before Whelen did. If Whelen came up with this first, would you ever have sent THEM the post you sent me?

ERM said:
You have what, 9 1 Watt LEDs on a PTW system. That's 9 Watts in the focal point of a reflector, and all 9 LEDs are not dedicated to displaying one color. You have this compared to a 65 Watt halogen bulb in the focal point of a reflector amplified by the projection style lens. Are you seriously trying to tell me 9 Watts (if that) can beat out 65 Watts? I think you know the answer to that.

Just FYI, LED watts are how much power they draw, not how much light they give off. That is measured in lumens, unlike halogen bulbs.

Either way, HL bulb is much brighter than an LED because it's more of a "dull" brightness which works great and has for years. I agree with your entire post. Nothing would have been said to the "big 3" if a similar product were introduced. Very impressed so far and I have recommended it!!
Wow, our first interaction and you come out swinging.

** I tend to do that.. no reason to candy coat things...

Let's address your concerns. First, the design of our products is proprietary. I won't disclose the internals of the system as won't Whelen or any other manufacturer about their equipment, especially products being patented. Second, the flasher is being compared to a HAW system that one gets from Ford. Nobody is paying for a PTW system, and you can't honestly try to compare an LED PTW system to a halogen bulb. You have what, 9 1 Watt LEDs on a PTW system. That's 9 Watts in the focal point of a reflector, and all 9 LEDs are not dedicated to displaying one color. You have this compared to a 65 Watt halogen bulb in the focal point of a reflector amplified by the projection style lens. Are you seriously trying to tell me 9 Watts (if that) can beat out 65 Watts? I think you know the answer to that.

** All I asked was if you were defeating the Shutter door - not how the unit is designed or made...

I know all the components inside the headlight assembly, so I know quite well what systems need to be activated/controlled and what type of monitoring our system does from the BCM. This new system took a year to design and implement. Our first system has been in use for three years now with ZERO problems (I like those testing stats). Our new system has been in use for two months with ZERO problems. As of Friday, I checked with the dept. they are installed at and they have had ZERO problems. They actually made the joke that the vehicle has been back more times for the Whelen lightbar than for issues with FISOS. And the vehicle is in use everyday.

** Great news - does the warranty cover issues found to be caused by the unit if the dealer decides to not warranty an item? If so I assume you will help defend my warranty if that time arises? This is very common with some aftermarket parts providers - like Tuner companies etc.. or most just slap on the for offroad use only and claim no responsibility for what their product does to the vehicle..

One thing about our product line that you might not have caught on to is that we make some pretty unique products. Each of our products has multiple features built into it, so it doesn't just do one thing. I can understand your concern, but let me ask you this; do you contact Whelen and ask them what certifications or approvals they have on each product they release? If I go with someone smaller, do you ask Sean at EV Modules about his products? Probably not.

** Part one - I only see two products on your site for sale? I must be missing something - but yes those two are unique.

** Part two - do you contact Whelen and ask them what certifications or approvals they have on each product they release? YES - if I need to sell them I need to know what they comply with and that my customer will not be severely disappointed and my possibly liable for my suggestions. If I go with someone smaller, do you ask Sean at EV Modules about his products? Probably not. ** Probably yes and I have actually asked Sean this.. he had good answers and I have suggested his modules to some customers - He might even back me up on that statement..

As for the BCM, version 1 is three years running and version 2 is two months running. We have the proper protection built into the product that prevents any damage from occurring. Our stats prove this.

**I am glad to see you have built in protection - as you know this is a must - that is not described in detail - thus I asked..

Lastly, I would really appreciate it if you could be more specific and not blindly say we have spelling errors on our website and be rude about it.

** I saw at least two - I am also a web designer in my other life - so I tend to see things like that pretty quickly - it is not really my job to spell check your site - simply a suggestion to look it over.. I just added it to the comment - next time I will just stay quiet and not give any suggestions..I learned my lesson...

We spend hours designing the website, manuals and carefully word the message we are trying to convey. We make every effort to make sure spelling, grammar and punctuation is accurate. From your comment, I found ONE misspelling, and that was one word with two letters swapped. To what plural errors are you referring to? Provide examples instead of just making the statement.

To me, it seems that you are pissed that we came up with something before Whelen did. If Whelen came up with this first, would you ever have sent THEM the post you sent me?

** Far from it - these are questions and comments I would ask if I was a normal consumer of the parts - fleet manager etc... I always ask pointed questions - most here know that.. any customer that is aware of the consequences of any system that can change the design of an OEM product should ask good questions. I am sorry you find my asking questions a problem. I cannot find out more about the product without asking questions. As or the how I asked them, thats the internet, you can read attitude into any statement and most of the time its the wrong one..

So I understand what is being compared here - the circled HAW in the attached photo is what you are comparing - this is an aftermarket installed unit? Not a Ford piece.. and was there a make or model for comparison - I have never seen a HAW in that specific location. As for as people not buying the Ford kits - that might be true in your area but just about every department is buying them in this State. Most are not opting for Ready for the Road, but Ford Side coverage vertex and the PTW system are pretty much on every delivery.

I just like facts - its in my nature.. when you post things publically on a forum, you will get these kinds of questions. Actually I am sort of amazed others had not already asked them.

Sorry that seems confrontational...

** I tend to do that.. no reason to candy coat things...

There is no reason to candy coat, but there is no reason to be a jerk either. Try being nice next time, you'll get better results, I promise you.

** All I asked was if you were defeating the Shutter door - not how the unit is designed or made...

That's not the way you asked it. Plus, you reviewed the website to critique the spelling, however, did you not notice that we actually addressed your concerns for the BCM?

** Great news - does the warranty cover issues found to be caused by the unit if the dealer decides to not warranty an item? If so I assume you will help defend my warranty if that time arises? This is very common with some aftermarket parts providers - like Tuner companies etc.. or most just slap on the for offroad use only and claim no responsibility for what their product does to the vehicle..

Hence our testing. We're not going to release something without it passing. And as with all flashers, the headlight bulb lifespan will be reduced when pulsed. Luckily, this doesn't seem to be a common issue. Most manufacturers post this disclaimer so they don't have to supply bulbs.

Our warranty covers the product and any damage the product may cause. If you tell us when you activate your siren with the headlight flasher on, your garage door opens and closes, then probably not. We would rectify the problem on the product, if it is caused by our product, but as I said, hence the testing.

** Part one - I only see two products on your site for sale? I must be missing something - but yes those two are unique.

Check out our other links on our signature page. FISOS has its own website.

** Part two - do you contact Whelen and ask them what certifications or approvals they have on each product they release? YES - if I need to sell them I need to know what they comply with and that my customer will not be severely disappointed and my possibly liable for my suggestions. If I go with someone smaller, do you ask Sean at EV Modules about his products? Probably not. ** Probably yes and I have actually asked Sean this.. he had good answers and I have suggested his modules to some customers - He might even back me up on that statement..

So you've called them and asked them if Dodge approves of their headlight flasher or PEIM's? :undecided:

**I am glad to see you have built in protection - as you know this is a must - that is not described in detail - thus I asked..

"Does not interfere with the Body Control Module (BCM)" Quote from FISOS website. "It has all the necessary protection in it and has worked flawlessly thus far." Quote from above.

** I saw at least two - I am also a web designer in my other life - so I tend to see things like that pretty quickly - it is not really my job to spell check your site - simply a suggestion to look it over.. I just added it to the comment - next time I will just stay quiet and not give any suggestions..I learned my lesson...

What were they so we can fix it? You can send a PM as it does not pertain to this thread. Btw, it was perfectly written, but I made a description change late at night last week and was too fast on my typing. Error corrected.

** Far from it - these are questions and comments I would ask if I was a normal consumer of the parts - fleet manager etc... I always ask pointed questions - most here know that.. any customer that is aware of the consequences of any system that can change the design of an OEM product should ask good questions. I am sorry you find my asking questions a problem. I cannot find out more about the product without asking questions. As or the how I asked them, thats the internet, you can read attitude into any statement and most of the time its the wrong one..

I answer many questions as most of my posts dictate, however, their is already another post where this was discussed in detail. You have questions, no problem, but don't be rude in the way you ask them. I try to be extremely helpful as all of my posts show, so be nice to me and I'll be nice to you. Fair enough?

So I understand what is being compared here - the circled HAW in the attached photo is what you are comparing - this is an aftermarket installed unit? Not a Ford piece.. and was there a make or model for comparison - I have never seen a HAW in that specific location. As for as people not buying the Ford kits - that might be true in your area but just about every department is buying them in this State. Most are not opting for Ready for the Road, but Ford Side coverage vertex and the PTW system are pretty much on every delivery.

Ford headlight with Whelen Vertex's. Still can't compare LED vs. Halogen. The numbers don't work. The halogen has more energy.

I just like facts - its in my nature.. when you post things publically on a forum, you will get these kinds of questions. Actually I am sort of amazed others had not already asked them.

They have, in the other thread.

Sorry that seems confrontational...

I can handle the confrontation. It's just annoying when people don't listen to the answer. They just want to make noise and hope others will jump on the band wagon.

Will this work with other vehicles as well? Also, in a previous posting you said not to use with HID's, so that would hold true with other vehicles as well?

Zapp Brannigan said:
Will this work with other vehicles as well? Also, in a previous posting you said not to use with HID's, so that would hold true with other vehicles as well?


FISOS is for the Ford Interceptor. The plug and play connectors are for this model vehicle. To be used on other vehicles with the same style format would require an analysis of the vehicle electrical system and the operation of the headlight shutter system, connectors and so on. What type of vehicle were you thinking?

ERM said:
FISOS is for the Ford Interceptor. The plug and play connectors are for this model vehicle. To be used on other vehicles with the same style format would require an analysis of the vehicle electrical system and the operation of the headlight shutter system, connectors and so on. What type of vehicle were you thinking?


TritonBoulder47 said:

ERM said:
For a vehicle like that, we'd definitely have to do some testing.

It was, in fact, for that thread. Thank you for the reply. Was not sure if your system was interchangeable with any projector lights, but now I do know.

Thanks again!

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