Federal Signal Navigator


May 20, 2010
Portage, MI
Looks like FedSig is coming out with a bar along the same lines as the Freedom, except with SLR pods available.


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Video on their Facebook page. Looks like a winner to me.
It appears the SLR rotators all turn clockwise.

I would buy a; "TwiNavigator"; counter-rotating, simple sequenced flash (as if connected by a chain), and multi color options, perhaps on each spin. (red-white-red... red-white-blue-white...)

Why they wouldn't I don't know.

Add the proper QuadraFlare modules, and you are rolling with a, "CTN".

We shall see.
Still no more word on the Navigator. I did, however, find this video of the 18" mini-bar version with 2 rotators.

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They just put up a flash pattern video. They do offer a couple good patterns but a lot of it is a pink blur.

I def like the combination of flashing and rotating technology, but I'd prefer a faster rotator speed.

One thing I am hoping with the dual color navigator is that they will have a 1901 option that allows you to disable the clear when in park but still have every lighthead flashing solid red. I think that some depts spec way too much clear on their traditional LED lightbars and, when they are parked on scene, it looks like most of the bar is off
I def like the combination of flashing and rotating technology, but I'd prefer a faster rotator speed.

One thing I am hoping with the dual color navigator is that they will have a 1901 option that allows you to disable the clear when in park but still have every lighthead flashing solid red. I think that some depts spec way too much clear on their traditional LED lightbars and, when they are parked on scene, it looks like most of the bar is off
it looked to me like the videos were mainly intended to demonstrate the flash patterns of the stationary sections; the rotators are almost certainly available in other speeds, either with a different motor and gear or different programming; that's just not what the video was about, I think.

I'm pretty sure the two videos are just two modes of the same bar, and judging by their other products, I have no doubt the white-cutoff feature is available.
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Yes, the rotators are available in multi speeds.  They are changeable by software so you can having them running fast when responding, then slow down when at scene.  There are no gears in the rotator - they are a solid state rotator; the drive motor driectly drives the rotator shaft.

If you get the multi-colour rotators, then they can rotate white in response mode and red in at-scene mode.  They are very intelligent and the motor knows which way the rotator mirror is pointing, so it can rotate white light when the rotator is facing the front part of its rotatation, but turn red on when the rotator is going to the rear of its rotation.  If you watch the center rotator in the pattern video, you'll see it turn red when it is facing the mirror, then white when it faces front.

You can also steady-burn the white lights to do additional scene lighting if you want.  I haven't seen it but my understanding is that you can also turn rotators to oscillate (intersection sweep), etc. if you want.  Again, you can change this by response mode so they could do white oscillation during response mode then turn to a red full rotate when at scene.

They have a lot of smarts built into this bar - far more than any other bar on the market.  I suspect one of the most frustrating things will be spec'ing and programming the bars.
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Has this lightbar been released yet I've tried searching but can't seem to find any available and does anyone have pricing on these
I see this being a very short lived product line.  The lack of a 48"-50" and 57"- 62" (not available according to the product literature I have been provided) will greatly reduce the flexability of the product for potential customers.  I see this as a contract bar for certain fire apparatus manufacturers and that's about it.  There aren't too many tow trucks (they have a couple of preconfigured models for towing) that will require a 71" bar.  I give the line about 1.5 to 2 years unless more sizes are offered.

Just my $.02
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We just got one in to do a swap on a fire engine. The bar is HUGE (pretty tall), but I really like it. We configured it with 2 slr rotators on each side, and fully loaded center red/white modules.

It is fully NFPA compliant, so white can shut off in park, and you would want it too...

The bar was nearly $800 less than a  single color freedom loaded the same way. 

The rotators have 3 different speeds, at least in my model.

The quadraflares are individual modules, so they are replaceable one at a time.

The thing is BRIGHT, maybe too bright. it creates a wall of light that most likely will be the only thing you see when the engine is coming at you in the dark at night. We put a freedom next to it and ran them both, and it was as if the freedom was not even on.  the clear flood feature is also pretty impressive. It will be a nice feature for additional scene lighting.

Once we get the engine in and changed over, we will post video and pictures, but I think it is a winner of a bar, and you can really tell the benefit of having a true rotator on the corners as opposed to a flashing module, or even the rotobeam.  that sweeping flash is very effective and carries the light a long distance.
Here is a navigator We put on an engine in our local town. It is Awesome. Happened to catch it on scene the other day which is the video. Of course the pictures don't do this justice. Best way to judge how bright this thing is is by comparing it to the headlights which are also LED headlights. In the Video, THe Tahoe has a Whelen Liberty, The Tow truck had a Federal Legend.

We also put 2 SLR rotators on the back and flashed them with an oscillating program so they do not spin all the way around and blind the DO and officer in the mirrors.

The Bar is Red/white dual color NFPA compliant. It has a full flood mode, and  the rotators do both red and white.

I took more pics and videos, but for some reason they did not save, so what you see is the best of what I had.

The clear warning is awesome, but the video of that has disappeared.

I will try to catch this engine responding to something soon.

2015-06-08 16.04.28.jpg2015-06-08 16.04.30.jpg2015-06-08 16.07.40.jpg2015-06-08 16.07.44-1.jpg2015-06-30 19.01.10.jpg

I REALLY like this idea, as I'm a huge fan of rotators. These bars as well as the Vision SLR (the rotating LED version of the Vector) are amazing. Problem is .... I called the other day and found out the 3-pod mini version is MSRP'd at FRIGGIN $1,800! The full 7-pod model is MSRP'd at $4,000 MINIMUM.... and weighs 50 friggin pounds on top of that. That is just ridiculous. They really are amazing bars, but the price and weight are almost certainly prohibitive unless you have a VERY well funded department.

It has been proven the human eye can track moving light better than anything else (flashing or pulsing), so I'll stick with my mint condition restored halogen rotator bars. Just my blahblah.
Here is a navigator We put on an engine in our local town. It is Awesome. Happened to catch it on scene the other day which is the video. Of course the pictures don't do this justice. Best way to judge how bright this thing is is by comparing it to the headlights which are also LED headlights. In the Video, THe Tahoe has a Whelen Liberty, The Tow truck had a Federal Legend.

We also put 2 SLR rotators on the back and flashed them with an oscillating program so they do not spin all the way around and blind the DO and officer in the mirrors.

The Bar is Red/white dual color NFPA compliant. It has a full flood mode, and the rotators do both red and white.

I took more pics and videos, but for some reason they did not save, so what you see is the best of what I had.

The clear warning is awesome, but the video of that has disappeared.

I will try to catch this engine responding to something soon.

2015-06-08 16.04.28.jpg 2015-06-08 16.04.30.jpg 2015-06-08 16.07.40.jpg 2015-06-08 16.07.44-1.jpg 2015-06-30 19.01.10.jpg

I love fedsig, but I honestly have to say I'm not too impressed with the SLR rotator output during the daytime. I understand that they're short to be more sleek, but I really wish they made them taller (with a taller reflector) and similar in size to the older vector/vision pods. For the size reason, I like the rotabeams in freedoms (although it isn't a true rotating beacon). However, since I really like mixing up technologies, for grill lights on apparatus, I spec 2 flashing lightheads (600 series, M6, quadraflare 6x4) and 2 powerarc M90's for front warning, and I'd mount an M90 in the center of the freedom if I could
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What with the present emphasis on making everything as small as possible, I doubt it. Still, that's the best idea I've seen on here in a long time, which obviously means that it'll never happen.
What with the present emphasis on making everything as small as possible, I doubt it. Still, that's the best idea I've seen on here in a long time, which obviously means that it'll never happen.
One can dream!  Still, it'd be smaller than the old firebeam and mirror!
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I see this being a very short lived product line.  The lack of a 48"-50" and 57"- 62" (not available according to the product literature I have been provided) will greatly reduce the flexability of the product for potential customers.  I see this as a contract bar for certain fire apparatus manufacturers and that's about it.  There aren't too many tow trucks (they have a couple of preconfigured models for towing) that will require a 71" bar.  I give the line about 1.5 to 2 years unless more sizes are offered.

Just my $.02

They just added  45" and 53" models
They just added  45" and 53" models

They also now have a 10" model for upper-rear zones.  You can configure a single SLR rotator, or filled with Quadraflare heads.  Ironically, the single SLR rotator version is CHEAPER than the single SLR beacon!  The single-colour red model Lists for $430.  If you want dual colour (red/white, red/blue, etc.) those are $470.

The "discrete" bars (with the traditional multi-conductor cable) are available in 10", 18", 25", 45", 53", 60", 73" and 87".

The serial bars (with the RJ45 network-style cable, aka "CN" ) is available in 45", 53", and 60" . 

Both bar families are now on the configurator.  http://config.fedsig.com/lightbar/index.php?fuseaction=home.main
Mark, any insight on how the Signalmaster will be achieved with only 4 stationary heads?

4 stationary heads??  Are you referring to a specific configuration? 

My first thought would that be it can't be done, other than doing a 4-segment directional arrow. 

Sorry if I'm missing something?
Mark, I believe the question refers to how effective is the directional sequence going to be using only four lightheads. The 45" Navigator permits four directional lightheads (53" model permits five).

I'm thinking the majority of us is accustomed to using 6-head or 8-head traffic advisors. Some agencies are using as few as five. It seems that a traffic advisor with fewer than five lightheads wouldn't be that effective. Then again, many motorists can't comprehend arrow boards, never mind straight sticks.
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4 stationary heads?? Are you referring to a specific configuration?

My first thought would that be it can't be done, other than doing a 4-segment directional arrow.

Sorry if I'm missing something?

Kevin is correct. Only 4 heads available on the 45" model but Signalmaster is an option.

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