D&R Electronics and Data911 In-Dash Solution


May 20, 2010
KC Metro
We are pleased to announce that D&R Electronics now has an in-dash solution for the Data911 TX1 Rugged tablet. MicroMan Industries LLC is fortunate enough to be the first in the US to receive and use this solution. Our recent contract with Blue Springs Police Department required that they have an in-dash tablet setup. They decided to go with the Data911 tablet, but D&R had not manufactured a mounting solution yet. We teamed up with Tom Ennema from D&R and Lisa Dunn from Data911 to get a design made and produced. It was also designed to mount a Mobile Vision L3 camera DVR within the dash below the tablet and above the keyboard.

The main benefit of this setup is that it puts everything in the middle of the dash, leaving room on the passenger side for when they ride with two officers. Both officers can use the system as it tilts out, up/down and side to side. Everything is very ergonomic.

If you would like more information about this setup, please feel free to contact me or your local D&R Electronics representative.

Thank you!
Craig Sorgen, Owner
MicroMan Industries LLC
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