Current Pillar Mounting vs. Older Mounting


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2011
Is there a reason today's spotlights are mounted further up the A-Pillar than yesteryear?
Ok, except for the Fords why not lower/at a steeper angle so when stowed the light head rests above the fender so as not to block driver view?


NOT GOODupload_2016-3-2_13-37-34.png upload_2016-3-2_13-38-52.png upload_2016-3-2_13-39-55.png upload_2016-3-2_13-40-27.png upload_2016-3-2_13-41-56.png upload_2016-3-2_13-37-34.png upload_2016-3-2_13-38-52.png upload_2016-3-2_13-39-55.png upload_2016-3-2_13-40-27.png upload_2016-3-2_13-41-56.png

Short answer is we have applications that are real low and some that are a little higher. It all depends on the specific vehicle.

Our goal is to have the light as low on the post as possible. Our engineers examine the vehicle and choose the lowest spot that doesn't compromise function or safety. The one exception to this is police vehicles like the ones you posted. We work with Ford, Chrysler, and GM for spotlight applications. They decide where they want the light and we figure out how to make it fit where they want it.
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The lights are low by design worked out with Ford. The position was considered the best balance of safety and function. When opening the hood of the vehicle the lights should be moved outbound and not be in parked position.
People are People, and most will just open the hood smashing the lights :)
The lights are low by design worked out with Ford. The position was considered the best balance of safety and function. When opening the hood of the vehicle the lights should be moved outbound and not be in parked position.
People are People, and most will just open the hood smashing the lights :)

I did a "homebrew" modification to prevent scuffing. I wrapped the circumference of the spotlight with rubber. I used the rubber belt of a vacuum cleaner. It is like a giant black rubber band about 1/8th inch thick and they only cost a couple of bucks. I did have to replace them every few years from dry rot, but no big deal. The black rubber really looks more "OEM" than "MacGuyver".

Now, if Unity would like to send me a beacon or LED head for this great idea... just sayin'... :)

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