Code 3 PSE 460H Strobe Power Supply - Emitting a high-pitched sound while active


New Member
Jul 14, 2021
Hello all!

I recently purchased a Code 3 PSE 460H Strobe Power Supply for my 1998 Ford Crown Victoria P71.

The vehicle had pre-existing strobe lights left in the corner and tail lights from it's time fighting crime in San Diego. All the wiring was still run, so all I had to do was plug everything in and provide power and a switch.

However, the power supply unit emits this high pitched, electronic, rapid beeping that is quite ear-piercing whilst it is active, and I'm wondering, firstly, if that's normal, and secondly, how to make it stop?

Thanks in advance!
Code 3 power supplies have the strobe wires in different orders in different models and it isn't always the industry standard which is PIN 1 - RED - ANODE. PIN 2 - BLACK - CATHODE. PIN 3 - WHITE - TRIGGER. Code 3 reversed the male and female plugs and changed the order. Depending on what you replaced the wires may be out of order.
Code 3 power supplies have the strobe wires in different orders in different models and it isn't always the industry standard which is PIN 1 - RED - ANODE. PIN 2 - BLACK - CATHODE. PIN 3 - WHITE - TRIGGER. Code 3 reversed the male and female plugs and changed the order. Depending on what you replaced the wires may be out of order.
Hi John,
Yes, the tubes and cables have been identified as Code 3 T07008s. They all fire correctly when powered, with alternating patterns and all. It's just the sound the Power Supply emits that concerns me. I have an audio sample attached. It's that very high pitched, almost sounding like a whine, noise.


  • 460H Whine.mp3
    297 KB

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