Citizens can really piss you off sometimes

Zach C.

May 22, 2010
Southeast, USA
We just got done running a vehicle fire. I pulled up to the scene (POV as I was on the way back from getting supplys for the dept) at the same time our first due engine did. Now the rookies know it is a pet peeve of mine to put a pack on until the fire is out. So both was in full turnouts and packed up ready to go. The two rookies started pulling the main attack line. I got packed up and went to back them up. Well after we had the fire out and we was doing our overhaul and cleanup. This guy comes up to me chewing me out. He said I was wasting tax payers money sucking down air bottles. I tried to explain to him that one we always used packs for our safety. Two they dont cost us anything to refill. Now keep in mind this car was fully involved and you can see the smoke 5 miles away :shock: . Just had to rant about it I guess.

NPS Ranger said:
Tell him he's polluting your town's air, he should recycle himself by sucking on his vehicle tailpipe.

Tell me about it. The escape was right beside a HUGE propane tank. Luckly someone hooked the truck to it and pulled it futher down in the parking lot. Could have been alot worse. ;)
Tell the guy to piss off, its not his concern how the fire dept operates and if he gives you trouble request the officer on scene to detain him for interfering in an emergency situation. :D

I have had one too many situations like this, where civilians have actually tried to pull hose of trucks etc or do something. One actually tried to take a nozzle out of my hands once. :x
Will it does cost sooooo much to refill the bottles you know. :lol:

Let me guess, was he an older "gentlemen".
Cam said:
Will it does cost sooooo much to refill the bottles you know. :lol:

Let me guess, was he an older "gentlemen".

Yep maybe mid 60's. And if someone tried to take a nozzle out of my hands. Well that wouldnt go over good.
he's the waste of air
You should get the cool no-see-through mirrored faceplates we can get for our CBRN masks. People leave you alone when you are wearing one of those. And a M4. Yeah, they leave you alone real fast.
Stendec said:
You should get the cool no-see-through mirrored faceplates we can get for our CBRN masks. People leave you alone when you are wearing one of those. And a M4. Yeah, they leave you alone real fast.

Where do you get your mirrored faceplates? And I had a m4 in the truck lol. For a different job lol.
That would p**s me off too.I would of told that ol man to go back to the rest home where he belongs and leave us the f**ck alone were just doin are job and if u dont like it to d**m bad :lol: :lol:
My church is located on a bad bend in a road that has had a lot of accidents in the past couple years. The church pays for an off duty cop to direct traffic after church on Sundays it is so bad. A couple years ago there was a funeral for one of the members of the church who died after a lengthy battle with cancer. After the service I directed traffic and set up some flares because it was a large turnout. Some cranky old guy who lives nearby came up and started rambling on about how it was a waste of his tax dollars etc etc. I informed him that tax dollars weren't paying for me, I was volunteering my time. He then started rambling about his tax dollars pay for the car, I mentioned they would still be paying for the car even if it was parked at my house or the station. He grumbled about tax dollars for the gas, I mentioned that even though I have full use of the vehicle off duty, I rarely drive off duty, so the gallon of gas I was using to direct traffic that day was pretty minimal. He then complained about the remnants from the flares that were in "his yard". I told him that its a state road, so Maryland owns about 6 or 8 feet of the land off the roadway that he considers "his" yard. He ran out of complaints after that.... still kept hollering at me until I finished a half hour later.

Gotta love the old crotchety folks...
I loved when a guy wrote into the paper here the other week and complained about more than one officer going to a call (any call) and that it was a waste of resources to have an officer being backed up on a stop...
RL1 said:
I loved when a guy wrote into the paper here the other week and complained about more than one officer going to a call (any call) and that it was a waste of resources to have an officer being backed up on a stop...
Well ya'll should start letting him pull cars and see if he changes his mind.
So its a waste of taxpayer dollars to wear an SCBA but i bet he wishes all of his COPD friends have plenty of medical grade oxygen on hand.
Zach C. said:
Well after we had the fire out and we was doing our overhaul and cleanup. This guy comes up to me chewing me out. He said I was wasting tax payers money sucking down air bottles. I tried to explain to him that one we always used packs for our safety. Two they dont cost us anything to refill. Now keep in mind this car was fully involved and you can see the smoke 5 miles away :shock: . Just had to rant about it I guess.


You could of replied something like.....

"Its hard to hear your bitching through this taxpayer air in my SCBA"
I ran a gas leak a few days ago and in the driveway where the propane tank was ruptured and gas was spewing out, were 2 construction workers, 1 of them was the person who ran into the tank, our officer was screamin at them to get away from the tank and they were just like, "oh! You were talking to me!" and they just casually walked towards our rescue truck...i mean, come on people!

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