Beacon Mod 17 - "Houston...we have a problem"


Junior Member
May 24, 2010
Gulfport, MS
I got the beacon cleaned up a bit and followed some tips from my previous post on testing it. I tried using my jumper cables and running the positive to a wire from the top screw as seen in the picture and clamping the negative to the round chasis. When I did this the black wire got really hot. Next I tried the positive jumper clamped directly to the "L" bracket where the top screw sits. I got lots of smoke immediately. So either I am doing something wrong, or there is a problem somewhere. I'm thinking this could be a case of "operator error". Can someone send me in the right direction?

Here is a pic and description:

[Broken External Image]: Ray Mod 17/IMG_18112.jpg
Would the short be in the motor itself? I cant see any other place where there would be a short. The guy I got it from said when he tested it it would run a couple of seconds and stop and that the wires got really hot.
Did the bulbs light? I've seen shorts caused by a bulb contact shorting things out. Sound like it's time to get the meter out and start the elimination process....
I only have 1 bulb that came with it. The filament is intact and looks normal so I guess its ok. If I got the terminals going to the bulb switched would that cause a short? I can switch them and see if that is recommened.

But to answer your, the bulb did not light up and the motor did not do a thing.
Something is shorting out. Could easily be one of the bulb wires contacting the lamp holder assembly. Make sure the wires leading to the bulbs are not contacting anything and check the wire insulation as well.

You mentioned smoke, from where did it originate? If it came from the motor it might be shot.
the smoke came from the area where the wires connect on the "L" bracket. I switched the wires on the bulb, looks like they were connected incorrectly. the motor and the wire going from the motor to the terminal did not get warm at all during my test.

I switched the bulb wires which I found were connected differently from a pic I had prior to disassembly. I also disconnected the wire from the motor to the "L" bracket and connected the motor wire directly to the positive jumper cable. No sparks or smoke or hot wires. The motor spun the light just fine. Only thing is the light did not come on. I only have 1 so i'm not sure if both are needed to complete the circuit. The filament in the light looks normal.
After testing just the motor I reconnected the motor wire back to the "L" bracket and I had the same problem as before. I guess this means I have a short somewhere in the light circuit.
Certainly sounds like a short in the light circuit. At least the motor is good.
Here is a link to all the pics from photobucket

This morning I removed the bulb, taped off all the wire ends, put power to it and still have a short. Just to double check, I bypassed the light circuit and checked the motor circuit again and the motor would spin fine with no problems. so now that the motor and the bulb are out (i think) I would imagine that the person who had the light before me assembled it incorrectly and something must be touching something it should not. Please see the pics from photobucket. If anyone needs a closeup of something or pics of something else let me know.
It appears that someone assembled it incorrectly. You appear to have two insulating washers at the top bulb power connection point on top of the light housing. Only one is required here to insulate the wires from the shaft housing. The other should be placed between the copper button on the bottom of the gear box to insulate it from grounding to the gear box. It is a simple matter to go from point to point with an ohmeter when trying to locate shorts.

John Dorgan
Good news and thanks to everyone's help. The "Sirenman" came through for me. As I originally suspected it was "operator error" on my part. I forgot to put the insulating washer between the copper button and the gear cage on the bottom of the light. Thats where the short was. Everything is working fine now....light comes on and rotates and no smoke or sparks. Woohooo!!!!!

Thanks again,


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