AzPSE - Shaun Allen - Still no items received


May 24, 2010
SW Missouri
I will try to give and explain this the best way I can. AzPSe was selling several liberty bars for $200 a piece. After a few delayed PM's i asked him to call me and he introduced himself as Shaun. We began talking and he told me he normally doesn't deal in lighting equipment. Eventually he told me about some other stuff he had and I told him I was interested. After some back and forth and a second phone conversation on 2/8/16 I paid him for 4 Orion mobile radios, 2 Beta series sirens, 2 liberty lightbars, and a few unitrol switches. This was on a Friday, he told me all of this would be palletized and go out via freight on Monday. I personally didn't think it would go that fast but he said it would. Here are some of the PM's that occurred after.

  1. Feb 10, 2016

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    Just figured I would check to see if that pallet made it out and when the perspective arrival date is.


  2. Feb 11, 2016
    [Broken External Image]:[URL][/URL]
    azpseNew Member
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    I will check with the trucking company first thing in the morning, They have already picked up the pallet. Usually to the Midwest, it has been a 5-7 day delivery time, especially with the weather that has been going on.


  3. Feb 16, 2016

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    Haven't heard back from you. Any word from the trucking company?


  4. Feb 16, 2016
    [Broken External Image]:[URL][/URL]
    azpseNew Member
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    Yes. The pallet will arrive at the branson depot on Friday. They have your contact information, they will call you for delivery. They will NOT just show up, they must have a phone confirmation from you that you will be at the destination address before they will attempt delivery. The trucking company delivering the freight is SAIA freight carriers.


  5. Wednesday at 8:47 AM

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    SAIA doesn't have a depot in Branson, maybe they gave it to a third party. I haven't gotten a phone call from them. Do you have a tracking number?

There was no response to this message. I had also called his cell phone a few time with no response. I got online and saw several charges on my credit card I did not authorize and immediately called and cancelled my card. Some things to note: this was the first use of my credit card in months, I had only given the card to him, and he utilized Square to read the card.

I then posted on the board in the original message to see if anyone else could give me insight to Shaun, I received a PM with some concerning information, I would disclose but the messager want to remain anonymous for now. Shortly after the post I got this PM and the conversation ensued.

  1. Thursday at 2:39 PM
    [Broken External Image]:[URL][/URL]
    azpseNew Member
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    What is the deal with post on the forum? You accuse us of using your credit card for other transactions publicly?? and you have no reason or evidence to back it up? We are in MESA AZ, not TEXAS or COLORADO. I have replied to your post, and next time, have the courtesy to send me a PM first to reply to. I did not know that you sent me one yesterday, I had 2 sick kids with me and I was out of the office all day.


  2. Thursday at 2:57 PM

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    I called SAIA and they don't have any record of a shipment heading to this address or even under my name and I have still not received it. You have not responded to my posts, messages, or phone calls. I have requested a tracking number with no response as well. If you put that together with the charges that have popped up on my account since giving you my number it's one big coincidence considering thats the first time I have used that card in a month and right after our call it got put back in the safe.

    I paid you on 2/8/16 you stated that it would go out Saturday which I wouldn't expect it to but you said Monday at the latest, even so if it was delayed you told me on Tuesday it was in the Branson depot as of Friday (2/12/16), which Branson doesn't have a depot. So I called SAIA and they don't have any record of it.

    Is it possible I jumped to conclusions, yes it is possible but you have to look at it from my side that is one heck of a coincidence, especially considering the lack of communication and now some mystery guy on the forum saying he has info that would help which quite frankly I thought was weird because he was a brand new member and that was his only post.

    I am more than willing to apologize profusely in the public forum and bow my head in shame that I was wrong, that is why I have yet to dispute our transaction with my credit card company yet, because it could be your system got hacked. CapitalOne told me on the phone Square is not completely secure.

    All of that being said this can all be resolved if I could verify where my items are.

  1. Friday at 9:30 AM

    [Broken External Image]:[URL][/URL]
    azpseNew Member

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    I apologize about the depot location, we have used saia tons of times and most times they have a terminal in most bigger cities.

    I called and checked and the shipment will be coming through the Springfield, Missouri terminal and then trucked to your location upon delivery dispatch.

    Shoot me your email, and I will send you the documents for: The Pickup request, The bill of Lading, and the Delivery Request.

    I have 2 meetings this morning, so I will be in and out for a bit, but I should be able to get you everthing today.


  2. Friday at 9:34 AM


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    Direct email is if I do not receive confrimation of shipment by tomorrow I will file a dispute with the credit card company. You stated in previous correspondence that the equipment was already at the depot as of a week ago. Now your telling me it it will be going through Springfield? When did they tell you that would happen? I look forward to your response.


  3. Yesterday at 12:02 AM

    [Broken External Image]:[URL][/URL]
    azpseNew Member

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    I replied to you by email

I will remind you that on 2/16 he told me the pallet was the he called and checked and the pallet was IN THE BRANSON DEPOT. Now he states it will come through Springfield.

These are the emails I got.

AZ Public Safety Sales <>

Feb 21 (2 days ago)

to me


I want to deeply apologize about the mishap that happened last week,

I had been telling you that SAIA had picked up the pallet of equipment and that it was on its way to you. I did some further investigating, and I called over at our Phoenix warehouse where the product was shipped from and it was apparently just picked up from our terminal.

I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding, I feel like a total ass about this. The SAIA pickup # is 2897896 ( this will also pull up the bill of lading on their website)

It is showing delivery to you on late Tuesday/early wed of this week.

I put in the order for them to palletize and ship the items almost 2 weeks ago after we spoke about the order.

For the delay and my huge mistake, I would like to offer you one of the Kenwood radios that we spoke about or a Whelen Dominator for the trouble and time that this has set you back, we will pick up the cost of the product and the UPS/USPS shipping.

Thank you,


Lead Sales/Infrastructure/Installation Technician

Arizona Public Safety Equipment

Apache Junction/Mesa, Arizona

(623) 444-2451

Now he says the item hasn't even shipped but prior he stated it was in the Branson depot (the city I live in), and then he said he called and verified it was on it's way through Springfield, now he says it didn't even go out yet.
Shaun, just called me and gave me a verified tracking number that states the equipment is in OKC and should be delivered in the next few days. We will see. I am hoping this all works out and was huge misunderstanding.
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Well i got the equipment finally via freight on Thursday. There were several missing pieces and parts that made the equipment inoperable. I basically got one complete lightbar out of two, one complete radio of out four, four out of four sirens worked, there were no switches included as stated, and a mini bar I didn't even order.

I emailed him and told him and he sadi he was going to make it right but again I haven't heard from him since Thursday.

Dispute stands.
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More promises without delivery. Still do not have working product and definitely not answering EMAIL.

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