Advice needed


Jul 7, 2020
Chicago Metro Area
Hey y'all. Hope you're enjoying time with friends and family, getting great deals on sales, or both.

Got a quick query about something my evil scientist brain came up with.

As many of you who have followed my path of discovery know, I've been working on full duo B/A lights for my F150 for a while. Finally, after being told "buy once, cry once" by the folks here, I sucked it up, bought a Cantrol and got the system up and running - at least the lights I can afford to own LOL. My homebrew ILB has 6 Whelen 500 duos and 2 MR TD's run off a CANEM16, and works great.

Right now on each side of the cap I have 2 500 duos and an MR Alley Light in cut-down TA housings (5 outputs each, each on their own cable run). I have an Abrams Blue/Amber 6 light stick in the rear window that uses 3 outputs (LA,RA and Warn). It works well, but it only warns in blue.

F150 Cap Current.png
I just picked up enough 500 duo heads to populate another TA837 8-head housing I got for a steal to replace the Abrams in the back, which would allow me to have more effective warning patterns as well as TA function. My plan was to run a CANEM16 expansion module to run and power the rear bar.

The problem is while I've been busy being broke, Whelen has stepped away from the Cantrol/WECAN lines and focused on Core.

While I'd jump to Core in a second just for DVI, if I could afford it, I wouldn't be DIY'ing this install. The prices for CANEMs have gone through the roof as availability has plummeted.

But there are still a bunch of Liberty I/O brain boards around... which got me thinking.. If I used a Liberty Duo I/O board, I could run all the cap light from the board, like this:

F150 Liberty Board.png

All I would have to do is run a power feed and WECAN cable to my Cantrol... but I'm worried about the fragility of the board. I though about getting extensions for the various connectors and potting it in the correct silicone or epoxy (sorry, Home Depot, not today), or maybe mounting it into a bushed/cushioned housing.

Your thoughts?
Coming from some experience with libertys and freedoms. Those boards are mounted to an aluminum frame with nary a bit of shock absorbency and exposed (in a frame) to the elements 24/7 on the roof of patrol cars in my area. I think if you put a board in a small box (ABS or whatever) and mounted it inside the cap/bed somewhere that you'd be good to go. Potting (epoxy) sounds like a great idea, but a bit overkill IMHO and would limit and troubleshooting should something go awry in the programming.

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