2017 Explorer


Jul 28, 2011
Nashua, NH
Evening all. Wanted to start this thread tonight. i'm heading to the dealer tomorrow to pick up the black PIU grill and the wheels. i'm taking a road trip this weekend and wanted SOMETHING in the rear for now. i have 4 of these TIR4 cheap asian lights that i had bought a while back before i knew better. shoulda known 4 for 40 bucks was too good of a deal :oops:. anyway heres the start and these are definitialy temporary. id be surprised if they make the weekend. im gonna start from scratch and get good quality product as i can. i will update this thread whenever i add to the truck.

if money were no object Master plan:
Feniex 4200
Feniex 600 dual stick in the rear RED/AMBER
Feniex Cannons RED/AMBER rear RED/WHITE front
Feniex fusion surface mount 40 rear lic plate 1 red 1 green (no blue for me, but want the color contrast for safety)
Feniex 200's dual color RED/AMBER rear side windows
Feniex Fusion pass side visor dual color RED/WHITE with flood option
Whelen Ions or microns for the grill and pockets in the headlights x4 White or Red
Feniex Fusion surface mounts dual color RED/WHITE front lic plate intersection lights

now accepting donations.... o_O:D trying to talk the wife into the stick and a mini controller for now. but until then sad china lights for me. added a pic of my permit too, i know how rare it is for "Just Security" to have response ability but it is not as BS as it sounds.

permit 370B.jpg
lts exp 1 plate removed.jpg
that's 1 sad Asian red LED mock-up with homemade bracket. better than nothing for now other one and quick temp wiring and im off.

exp front crop oem.jpg
Stock 2017 Ford Explorer XLT - Pre Upfit and mods

stay tuned!!!!!:cool:
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Why did they go with the retail version? The PIU starts around the same price base Explorer and I imagine being a hospital means you can get state bid pricing which will bring down the cost significantly.
Better than having no ride and having a ton of high dollar equipment in my opinion. If you are needing red/amber i saw FEVER had a bunch of red/amber old stock stuff on Facebook. Might be a way to get some stuff cheaper than usual
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no Facebook for me not now not ever, so i always loose out on that stuff.
finally arrived 2 100's w/ window brackets for the rear side windows and 2 fusions with the lic bracket all red/amber. time to get that cheap crap off the back. hopefully this coming weekend ill be able to put some time in. FYI, i didn't know this, and im sure the pro up fitters are laughing, but to get the headlights and grill out on a 17 explorer you gotta take the whole front bumper off starting by removing both wheel-well liners and working forward. 8 million little bolts and no how to videos on youtube..ugh nothing worth it is ever easy.
A BIG thank you UltraBrightLightz!!!!! they really hooked me up! came fast and with goodies.20170805_112342.jpg

gonna start with the good stuff in the back - scene safety is paramount.
Why do you need emergency lighting to go on a road trip in your personal vehicle? Why do you use your personal vehicle to work hospital security?

And you're also trying to make it look more like a police vehicle by changing out the grill and the wheels?

I like emergency lights more than the next person does, but I don't have any installed in my personal vehicle.

"i know how rare it is for "Just Security" to have response ability but it is not as BS as it sounds."

What, exactly, does a hospital security guard have to respond to with flashing red lights? Looks like it's exactly as BS as it sounds.
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Ummm, Hi.. nice looking ride, out of curiosity have you taken a meter on "the ride" as specified for its cousin?
A. can we see a pic of the Tee Shirt?
B. can we see a pic of the Escape?
C. A permit for lights is a permit for lights if you ask me, the need was determined by smarter people long before. But don't ruin the privilege with insane antics..
D. Do you in fact use this while your working as opposed to the issued ride?
E. I like those factory wheels over steelies..
F. Explorers have needed the entire nose clip for access forever and a day now thanks for indulging me..
always with the haters....

if you don't know the difference in what i do from the mall then spend some time in a city hospital. not the podunk backwoods medial facilities out in the sticks. i am only 1 of 2 managers with the privilege. and its treated as a privilege. we are on both incident command and hazmat servicing a population of 350,000. team is a total of 18 people from different disciplines, 2 teams of 9.

i'm not gonna continue defend it. you obviously just are not knowledgeable in what i do. i'm a professional, you should try it sometime.

you dont like it look somewhere else, its my project im proud of it.
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quick update... can you tell which item is the off brand and which is the Feniex....

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The new lights in the back look good but I’d sync them on a slower pattern where they both flash amber then both flash red...I think that it improves the vis & footprint substantially than flashing 1 red & 1 amber.

Never been a fan of any green to the rear. I used to see it on VAS vehicles in NY, and now I see it on security vehicles in FL....to me it doesn’t signal a layperson to slow down
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Green certainly means go in my mind. It is the single most eye popping color I think though. I don't typically think that the state planned on Security sitting roadside trying to get people to slow down when they wrote the statute requiring them to use amber/green.
my Policy to get the most out of the color effectiveness we use it sparingly only for extra safety. The flashing green stands out in an area were people are used to seeing a lot of red and blue. Our main intersection sees 16000 vehicles per day by DOT figures (4 lane north/south and 3 to 2 reduction west to east) so anything i can do to keep my guys safe ill try it. We block this intersection twice a week to back in huge PETscan trailers. The policy i wrote my guys follow they only use a slow amber flash for Patrol, (only cause i got a ghetto hacked bar with no cruse function) and the green is mixed with red in the rear and only used for that extra visibility.
The new lights in the back look good but I’d sync them on a slower pattern where they both flash amber then both flash red...I think that it improves the vis & footprint substantially than flashing 1 red & 1 amber.

Never been a fan of any green to the rear. I used to see it on VAS vehicles in NY, and now I see it on security vehicles in FL....to me it doesn’t signal a layperson to slow down

agreed on the pattern, i have it on a crappy controller now. once i move and have 3 seconds i have a PCC8R that will control it all. this is my "office" since i travel to all the health system property's. i have no green facing rear on this truck, my traffic unit it the hospital does just for the WTF factor makes people slow down. i do have a set of green amber dual color microthins to go in the grill that are true dual color for this truck but gonna wait til i have the time to do i right. works a mess with this fentanyl crap and meth zombies.
pattern update. agreed much safer when stationary. once the good controller goes in i can mode 2 them for response.

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working on getting the microthins mounted and wired in. sooooo many options with these units. heres a vid with a basic pattern with a off time in dual color amber/green

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Never been a fan of any green to the rear. I used to see it on VAS vehicles in NY, and now I see it on security vehicles in FL....to me it doesn’t signal a layperson to slow down

We used to be able to go all green in florida till some dumbass whos now a police officer got busted by another police dept rolling code 3 in his Security car ( Former Ford Mustang 5.0 like our state troopers used to have ) with an all green jetsonic.... well that was the end of that, and at a distance looks too much like blue, but the reasoning is because we looked too much like tow trucks and FPL ( Flicker Plunder and Loot ) the Electric service here, and any other road service or construction vehicle after hurricane andrew when police and fire needed to Identify us from everyone else...

I like the amber green But I hate the whole 1 side flashes and then the other.. the Idea is to be visible... I like the Strobes x Pattern left front right rear then right front left rear and whatever else forward and rear facing opposite of the current flash, I cant get my vertex to alternate that way nor any leds ive seen setup and a Lack of Reliability! I Will So MISS Rotators and Halogen Bars and Strobes to this CRAP LED's!
Lack of? I Prefer the Whelen Advantedge, cant find Lenses in my colors so im slowly getting screwed in my lighting abilities over time.... Sigh!
gonna have to learn how to cast plastic my friend if you want these special colors on the old school bars.

none of my guys have any lights but me and my partner (and his is blue cause hes retired PD) green should be used only for real security like hospitals, nuke stations ect. too much of it out on the road on idiots cars like you describe is why its so hard to get nice things as a professional. im gonna start a rant on green in the lounge so as to not hijack my own thread
They arent Special they are My State Mandated Colors for us to use... Bad Enough the Manufactures wont make them but only on special orders, and since they arent making colored lenses for bars or the old strobe stuff im having a hard enough time trying to find the Correct color Yellow... Not Orange! Difficult... should have bulked up when i had the chance!
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set the flash patterns

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these are an amazing product. i really want 5 more but in white/ green to do a flood override down low in the front.....

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